Fernando Nasheed

Yeah. It works.

I only play casually now, but I grew up playing competitively. High School, Club, College. I wasn’t the best but I was good enough to be a club pro if I didn’t have a much better job already.

$2.499BN <—-

Remember this number: $2.499BN

There is no reason to defend Barron Trump. He’s old enough to understand the consequences of his actions and cannot be excused for the things he has done. He belongs in jail with his father.

Why is it that when a white guy like Joe Paterno is accused of sexual assault there is never a headline picture, but as soon as a no name black guy is accused his picture is plastered all over the place?

Shut up white boy.

He doesn’t look like a blogger.


Yep yep. Raytheon, Amazon, Citi, BAE, GE, Northrup Grumman, Alibaba, Verizon, AXA, Exxon, Bridgewater, Boeing... etc etc.   The great thing about this concept is its pre-fab nature - easily adaptable to any major corporation. Apple’s new campus? I mean come on.

Take it easy there, Mitt Romney.

Please don’t put words in my mouth. I understand how sneaky corporations are. But you have to understand that unions are literal barriers to entry for POCs in the labor market. Corporations knock those barriers down, and rightfully so.

Well, I feel that parasites feed off the host to survive only, while vampires take pleasure in their theft. That’s neither here nor there though.

I have mixed feelings I guess. I can’t decide whether they are vampires or parasites.

Yup. 100%.

Now THIS is a super good article. Super important too.

Your link proves z e r o. If you want to have a factually-based discussion, I’m all for it. If you want to call names and harass people, the door is over there.

Trump is definately dumber than Ted Cruz. At least Ted somehow became successful while looking like a cardboard box.

If these were legit stats you would have included the link.

“Undocumented workers should not be employed whether there unionized or not.”