Fernando Nasheed

Linda Sarsour is our generations MLK Jr. She represents the fight for justice and equality in the modern world. As a Muslim woman she is in position to change the world in ways that MLK Jr never could. What a time to be alive.

Wish we had a rape kit for what Drumpf is letting Putin do to our democracy.

By Illinois-bashing I meant Chicago. Southern Illinois, and by that I mean anything south or west of the Chicagoland area, might as well be Mississippi. Sorry, I agree with you.

Not this is what I am talking about. This right here.

I have no #Hope4Hicks... get it?

Your username is Santi Cazorla... at least change it before trying to pretend you aren’t sitting in LA right now.

Trump would like you to believe that. #FakeNews

Ok, I get it now. We aren’t going to agree. Anyone who wants a fascist like Mattis to stick around is obviously going to be ok with Haberman and the rest of the NYT slithering toward Trump. I refuse. I refuse to pretend that this is normal, that this is ok. It’s not. This is not ok.

You make it sound like The Resistance is a formal organization. It’s not. It’s simply an understanding that Trump has sold our democracy to Russia through blatant collusion and illegal maneuvers. If you’re ok with that, fine. Most aren’t. And reporters for the paper of record certainly shouldn’t be.

More Chicago hate emanating from the increasingly jealous West Coast. Yawn. New York has always ignored us, but you LA types have gone batshit crazy since your heroes were unmasked as rapists.

I get what you’re saying and I agree with you but don’t you read Maggie Haberman? About four months ago she turned on The Resistance and started playing Devil’s Advocate with Trump. She’s not the only one either. The entire paper has changed their tune to a softer “well let’s see how this plays out” style of rhetoric.

NYT has really caved to Trump which is really weird because Carlo Slim - who is a Mexican - owns it. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out why a Mexican would want a wall and the only thing I can thing of is that Carlos wants the cheap labor to stay inside the country?

LOL no way. Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with the Illinois finance sitch because I always knew it would be fixed. What I didn’t know was that they already fixed it!

Horrible. And the ironic part is that we can’t even do a class where we literally teach people about trans issues for little kids because those same people will never allow it. This is basically a rock/hard place scenario.

Haha violins aren’t they only property that is gonna get taxed more. Think houses, cars, and other super big products.

That’s all noise. Fact is, the Illinois GOP is 100% responsible for not paying the bills. They simply refuse to which is fairly illegal, but the state has not yet got to a point where its politicians allow fellow politicians to be carted off to jail for crimes. Soon that will happen but I guess we’re not there yet.

Not this again. All they need to do is raise income taxes and property taxes. Viola. Fully funded.

Thanks. It’s hard to cut through the noise these days but someone’s gotta do it.

Isha is a staff reporter who covers pop culture, representation in media, and your new faves.

Had enough of the Illinois-bashing tbh. Yes, of course we need less police with fewer powers, but the state is in good shape and actually a really good example of the future along with California and New York. Illinois is never included in that discussion, but it’s actually been leading the way politically for a