Fernando Nasheed

^Mad White Union Member

I don’t have the time or the energy to be explaining everything to you in detail - I’m too busy getting real Democrats elected - but you should really join Twitter and start following @RVAWonk. She is a solid blue Democrat, a good info provider relating to Russia’s ongoing destruction of all things Clinton and all

Corporations hire immigrants at the specific expense of overpaid white union workers.

The middle class is 98% white. Now do you understand?

Not totally sure what you’re talking about but honestly there is no surprise that Gary Cohen is out. Trump is a big ole baby and a Goldman Sachs exec is anything but that. Guy is a serious badass in the finance world and has no time for Crazy Carnival Barkers like Trump.

Thank you :)

Jesus here we go again. Corporations are the ones that are employing the vast majority of immigrants in the US. Unions are trying to prevent that to protect their White Membership. Bernie is lying to you.

Sorry but I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.

What a bad attitude. We are actually all on the same page except for the #BernieOrBust crowd. They are pretty much failures at this point though and will eventually vote a straight Dem ticket. The silver lining to those people actually is that they are pretty motivated, so we just need to get their brains on straight

Hope and Change. This is how we do it in Texas! I’m actually in Massachusetts but have been following Texas’ transition to a blue state pretty closely ever since Russia stole the election from Hillary.

Unions are an institution that promotes and protects white privilege. Any idea how hard it is for an immigrant, let alone an undocumented person, to gain entry to a union?

Haha! Remember the one at the church? Classic.

This is bullshit.

Nope. A pretty good chunk of the human population has always been trans. Even the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Native Americans, and Ancient Africans. Mesopotamia was a hotbed of trans activity actually. In fact, many are now saying that much of the irrigation technology we still use today was developed by trans farmers

Cis men have no say in what is offensive and what is not offensive to trans persons. Stop doing this, cis guys.

There is literally no difference between cis and trans women. Stop using transphobic language in otherwise decent conversation.

Thank you. Not sure why they are trying to sidetrack my discussion about the Mayflower and America’s proud tradition of welcoming all refugees.

Thank you for sharing your insight. That’s actually also super helpful. How does a trans “find” him or herself in the drag community though? That seems like “choosing to be gay,” if that makes sense? I always thought that trans men and women were literally actually men and women. I don’t get how drag shows help people

They were religious refugees, persecuted in their homelands, not unlike the Muslims of today.

I get that Aztecs may have discovered parts of the Southwest before the Mayflower arrived but please do not be so tedious.