Fernando Nasheed

Thank you! Please continue educating people like JohnnyUtahsDemons on this subject.

He was escaping a war-torn, oppressive Catholic monarchy that was hell bent on genociding Muslims wherever they could find them.

OK well that actually helps. That actually moves this conversation along.

Ok, so you must be a drag queen? I don’t get this otherwise. A drag queen LITERALLY appropriates the transgendered identity. LITERALLY. And I’m not saying that that’s good or bad, ok? I’m just saying that’s what a drag queen does. That’s what they do!

Ugh. That is so juvenile.

And the other is transphobic and offensive to the transgender community.

I’m sorry but the graphic that everyone keeps sending me is clearly intended for toddlers or something. I just think we need more grown up conversation about this very important issue and childish drawings are really hurting that possibility.

I don’t think transgenders have a “culture” per say. I think they are who they are. They aren’t part of a culture, they are individuals. And I think drag queens are basically blackfacing trans people.  

I am NOT defending Christopher Columbus. I would never do that and I have never done that. He is an abominable person without peer in his evil. He truly changed the course of history for the worse and destroyed the beautiful future that Native Americans and others were in the process of building. He also had a huge

“Men who dress in blackface don’t do it because they want to be black, but rather as a performance.”

I’m pretty sure the NCAA bi-laws investigations seriously prohibit this kind of thing thang.

The first settlers of this country were immigrants. They came here on the Mayflower as refugees. They were, in many ways, exactly like the undocumented labor refugees we warmly welcome from Mexico today.

That’s the same cookie thing someone else sent me. Why is it so childish? It’s hard to take that seriously so the first time I didn’t but now I’ve been sent it twice so who knows. I think we need better, more adult literature on this.

If I weren’t a nice and thoughtful person I would just dismiss this comment because you’re being so rude to me right now. Lucky for you I am not like you are.

Ok, point taken. It just seems like dressing up as a transgender if you aren’t actually transgender is appropriation at the very least.

I’ve seen this a million times.

Thank you. It does. This is actually the best and most concise response so thank you again for that. This is why personal communication is so much better than Google imho. Google has all sorts of garbage but talking to an informed person is like using a filter for Google and then just getting the good stuff. Thanks

What the hell is this?

Thank you! I think I understand the difference now. Much appreesh.

Literally can’t believe that Drumpf went to Wrestlemania.