Fernando Nasheed

First of all, nobody is attacking me except you. Second of all, DUH. I know this isn’t Facebook. I go on Facebook all the time and you probably do too. It’s literally the biggest website in the world. Thirdly, I’m just asking a friggin question so if you don’t wanna answer it then don’t but definitely don’t start


I find in person communication to be much more valuable than randomly searching the internet for half-assed blog posts or whatever else. Anyway if drag queens are making fun of transgenders then I think it’s right that we should look more closely at shutting down those clubs or whatever they are affiliated with these

The Italians just elected a bunch of fascists and Mussolinis to be there president again. This literally happened yesterday. So this story isn’t really surprising if your paying any attention.

So drag queens basically appropriate trans culture?

Sorry for my ignorance, but are not all drag queens also transgenders? If not, what is the difference?

Affleck is a serious artist and like most serious artists doesn’t deserve much of what he has [or what he had].