
Well, glad I waited.

It’s a shame that the best version of this game is some combination of the SNES original and the GBA version, somewhat obtainable with mods now. The only defense I’m seeing here for these lackluster sprites and broken tiling is that its “fine”. Not a single defender is saying it looks beautiful, or pretty, just that

That’s precisely my point. I’m sick of console exclusive content. Wouldn’t a version of SC2 that let you use the 3 “exclusive” characters against each other be more fun?

RTS games in general require a sort of thinking I just can’t do quickly. It takes time for me to think of where I need to check for things, click on units to tell them to do things, and to react. It’s all in real time though, and generally I lose every single online match I have ever played dating back to when

Everything is creepy and terrifying from Mario’s chest to Kirby’s face, got it. Seriously, the way articles like this would have it one would think 20-somethings were all screaming at daffodils.

Why can’t the game just have all the features in every version? Is that so hard?

Sucked into a damned alternate reality? What the hell? Whoever wrote the plot for this was basically telegraphing “this is so ham-fisted into the Metal Gear franchise we’re not even going to TRY making it seem reasonable”.

No it didn’t. The general public, right now, is completely ignorant of this move. Just ask your dad.

Ok this version of the movie has an unskippable annoying ad for whatever company this is with a screaming cardboard cutout pirate talking about anime. It’s in pretty poor taste considering the movie it’s in front of.

Ok this version of the movie has an unskippable annoying ad for whatever company this is with a screaming cardboard

For me collecting is about the journey. I don’t need the stars or jiggies to do anything at all, I just need them to come at the end of an appropriate and unique challenge. That’s why I have never been a fan of “looter shooters”. The first time, it’s a unique new level with new bosses, but then I’m bored. Give me

Hmm, maybe limiting the amount of land someone can own can be applied outside this game.

I personally believe fun is more important than balance (to a point). I only care about this nerf if the character is now less fun to play, that is if her clutch ability has had its usable situations cut down so much as to make it almost never come up in a match. An ability you can almost never use is worthless, like

Getting a bad USB 3.1 cable can be a major fire hazard since the spec allows high voltage. There are far too many sketchy cable makers, and Anker has made a faulty cable before.

Getting a bad USB 3.1 cable can be a major fire hazard since the spec allows high voltage. There are far too many

That is clearly Super Sonic. You can’t fool me.

Just to be sure, if I already downloaded the patch I keep it right? They’re not disabling content I already own are they?

Wait, what? Why wouldn’t you want to encourage people pleasing? That’s the sort of kid you want to put out there in the world, isn’t it? And why wouldn’t you want to know how your kid is doing? This is a basic question, and even if the kid doesn’t often feel like answering it, showing that you actually care has value

Oh goody, we got a dictionary definition defense everyone!

Is that why I saw 50 different games with the name ugandan knuckles on google store this morning? It took me some time to scroll through my “recommendations” and say “not interested” to every last one of them. Google could afford to be a little bit stricter with what they green light for their store.

A nickname used consistently since the introduction of the term in BOTH versions of the story? What does it even mean for it to be a “nickname” at that point? That’s as official as it gets. It’s not like the gods themselves decreed that SSGSS is official. In fact it’s the other way around, Whis came up with the Blue

For real-money loot boxes, well, what if I AM jonesing for a pink darth vader? I don’t care if its cosmetic only, I bought it just give me what I paid for and don’t make me pay for it a second time.