
I got a free month’s subscription, obviously to get me to have a sense of “ownership” over whatever games it lets me play. It’s a lot better than trying to “stream” the game to me in real time, but for my part I prefer to own rather than rent.

I’ve never heard of that practice in game translation before.

If that’s what they’re calling it in the show, and in the comic, it’s official. It just... it’s just better.

The mistake was naming the red one Super Saiyan God. It should have just been Saiyan God, so when they go blue that’s the one that’s called Super Saiyan God. The tongue twister game isn’t really tough to figure out, it’s just the stupidest name in all possible worlds.

That is literally how all of them work, and it sucks.

They used the stupid tongue twister name? Why not Blue? Why would they intentionally do that to themselves? Are they literary masochists?

If there is literally no “player choice” to pay real money for them, this is how they “should” be done. I use those quote marks because generally, I prefer a set reward for a set task, not a random reward for a grindy task. I want to know that if I beat All-Star Mode on Easy, I get Pichu, or whatever. I don’t want to

Um, I admit I’m a few games out of date, but isn’t Sakura like, still in school?

Good idea, not sure if I can trust this company to do it honestly. There’s a lot of fishy language used on that site. I want to see GOG do it instead.

Exceptions don’t prove rules. They do the opposite of that.

No, no it doesn’t look dark soulish. It’s a suit of armor. Mario Odyssey is NOT the Dark Souls of platformers.

I still say they missed their chance to call the last one “Total War Hammer”.

It seems that when everyone hated cable companies for “forcing” channels on us we didn’t want, we didn’t really mean it. We WANT everything in a single service instead of paying for half a dozen.

MS is infuriating sometimes. They don’t offer a free “kinect adapter” deal like they did with the S, and worse, they are out of the adapters entirely online (and in every store I’ve checked in with), which suggests they aren’t even going to make the things any more. The X is supposed to be the “elite” model for those

I have somehow acquired 4 Sega Genesisisisisis .... genesi. I never set out to, but there’s the first one I bought, a model 2 with bad sound. Then I got one of the rare model 2's with good sound, then a model 1 without the copyright protection screen, and recently I picked up a Nomad.

I’ll just go ahead and play the Animal Crossing game that doesn’t have microtransactions. You might have heard it’s a rather large controversy right now.

Related to this, the best Star Trak (sic) game is the point and click adventure game for the 25th anniversary.

I have to give credit to the team for designing a combat system where the moves get more powerful and flashier as time goes on rather than the very typical “blow your most powerful stuff right at the start and if that isn’t enough to finish the fight, run on fumes for the remainder”.

Those games do look like you remember them, on the right kind of display. That is, an analog CRT with no preprocessing. That’s not to say that generation wasn’t rough around the edges, it was, but modern TVs make the games look a LOT worse than they were designed to.