Conquests of the Longbow and Conquests of Camelot are free downloads available on the original game designer’s web site. I hope GOG isn’t charging for them.
Conquests of the Longbow and Conquests of Camelot are free downloads available on the original game designer’s web site. I hope GOG isn’t charging for them.
I felt exactly zero sympathy for the main character. What’s so hard about just... NOT cheating on your girlfriend? He’s painted as a victim of circumstance but all it comes across as the writer’s self-serving defense. Maybe I misread it and it’s actually a meta-commentary on how some men build up these elaborate…
My biggest issue with this movie is that it pulls one of the narrative tricks a lot of modern “teen drama” tv shows do (and I’m roping CW super hero shows into this). The double misdirect! Behold, as you think one thing is going to happen, then the story tells you nope it’s a different thing, then NOPE, suprise it was…
Oooooooooooooooooooooooohh. Carry on then.
How can I be sure they will fit on my keyboard? There’s not exactly an industry standard for keycaps.
Wait, I know I’ve seen this before...
Why are food companies allowed to sell us mysteries?
Attack on Normal Size is my least favorite anime.
So wait Splatoon 2's posting still works after the closing of Miiverse? I mean, I’m glad but, wouldn’t a unified posting system across games be better, like porting Miiverse to Switch?
That’s entirely fair. Being more or less “outside” this whole aspect of society it’s more of a passing curiosity to me when I manage to even notice it in the first place, but this does seem a particularly egregious example and frankly Wayforward should be called out on it just like everyone else.
I wonder why Wayforward gets a free pass when it comes to character design criticisms. They do make fun games though.
Or literally anything. I’m not sure Valve is doing much more than updating their existing games at this point.
He doesn’t seem to want to remove those difficulty levels, just to remove the stigma about playing easy mode. Heck I understand that, socially. But on the other hand, a little gentle mocking about the difficulty slider is fine in the game’s menu itself, especially for a completely ridiculous game like Wolfenstein.
Eh, this sort of teasing is fine. Who’s going to know anyway? Oh right, achievements and all the insidious things they bring. I’m one of the few that does NOT want them on the Switch.
It’s like Overwatch, if all the characters had the same silhouette so you can’t easily tell what you’re shooting at.
Optimized? I’m pretty sure they tossed a dosbox profile at it and called it a day. I mean, that’s fine. It’s how they do all that stuff and I give credit to GOG for caring enough to bother in the first place, but it’s a bit misleading to use a word like that which implies some sort of recoding for modern OSes.
Not every Fire Emblem game, and heck the children in earlier Final Fantasy games were just... kids acting like kids. (Relm and Gau in FF6 for example.) It feels much more recent that it’s got this runaway train on it. Like I’ve said before, way too much modern anime is designed by bullet point, and at some point on…
You DO understand that up until a few years ago, MOST games allowed the fanbase to support the online function once official servers were shut down, right? Heck, a couple decades ago fan supported servers were pretty much the only option. Providing such an option to players should be expected. It costs a little bit of…
Don’t give up Carl! I can’t take a bus without seeing Mr. Death. Wait, 11th Hour’s theme song fits the Souls games pretty well.