
Well, you heard the article.  JUST DO IT!  Don’t question it, just BUY BUY BUY.

Well, you heard the article.  JUST DO IT!  Don’t question it, just BUY BUY BUY.

Wait so, “Can love blossom on a battlefield, Snake?”

Those who are in the know realize the turbo tunnel is only baby steps compared to the racing challenges that lay ahead. Try making perfect 90 degree turns constantly while being chased by a buzzsaw, that’ll put some hair on your amphibious slimy chest, and then cut it off.

I still say the show desperately needs to switch to a seasonal format. I clocked out after meandering through the endless hour that was the Doflamingo arc. I just can’t handle another storyline stretched out beyond all tolerance. At this point I long to have filler, just so I know the main arcs will be snappy. Hell

Mr. Rogers would approve.

Anyone that complained about Nintendo not making enough new IPs managed to avoid all the original ones being tossed onto the 3DS store.  There’s the Pushmo series, starring a animal sumo wreslter dude pushing blocks around in a series of interesting puzzles.  There’s the Dillon games, and there’s Box Boy, both

It’s cool, but keep in mind he’s not the only one still coding stuff for DOS, just the only one who’s going on to make it a major release through kickstarter. That’s the part that catches my attention.

Self censorship is something we all learn from the age of 5, it’s a healthy thing.

A few thoughts here:

Well that’s kind of the point, the series is a subversion. Heck Goku’s even called out Kai asking exactly why he wants to be brought back to life, and apparently it’s just because he’s getting made fun of by the other kais.

Raditz was the original evil Goku.  I kind of wish they would bring him back from the dead and straighten his ass out.  He would be an interesting character.

My friends both watched the two movies then skipped the TV arcs of those movies to get right to the new stuff. From what they have told me, literally nothing of value was lost. There was not a single moment that confused them, or was lost. Heck Piccolo DIED and it didn’t even affect the plot.

In a perfect world, there would be no such thing as “anime style”, just a bunch of very different styles that come from Japan. However these days if a company dares to make something a little out of that “standard”, the shut-ins come marching in saying “that doesn’t look like anime!”

I’m a collector and to you I say, bust them all open. Games are meant to be played, not gather dust on a shelf.

While Magikarp would be easy prey, they’re little more than scale & bones. They even suck as food.

Ubisoft, just make the game yourself. That’s your job, get to it.

I’m curious about her health bar. Not because I doubt it, but because I’m wondering if she used some ability that saps her health or if no-hit runners will purposefully take a few hits so that a single tap will kill them anyway, thus making sure they don’t accidentally take a hit without realizing they did. I’m

Two things: This is going to be amazing, and it better have russian folk music in it along with the pop psycho synth stuff.

First 10 minutes? It’s an amazing intro, probably only bested by the intro to Super Metroid in terms of using game mechanics alone to teach players about the game mechanics. It wouldn’t be an instantly good game though.

I can’t help but notice that the price of the components they left out of this, combined, would SEEM to total less than the ridiculous current asking price for a dock separately.