That... seems like it would work better in a bedroom type situation. Not sure what the point is in a fight... except to completely misunderstand women perhaps.
That... seems like it would work better in a bedroom type situation. Not sure what the point is in a fight... except to completely misunderstand women perhaps.
Fair point. I’m sad now...
Interesting, but not exactly the point I was making, which is that only the cruelest of Jabba the Hutt style slave owners would inflict that upon someone, and literally no human being with free agency would elect to wear something like that in public.
Hey it’s not like this was a reaction post to a youtube video of some toy being crushed in a hydralic press. This is pretty relevant. I’m not a part of speed running. I snagged the par times in Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, and that’s about as far as it goes for me. However, I am interested in reading up on recent…
Reminds me of those Star Wars characters as Transformers toys. Will the chinese bootleg versions of these include digimon partners?
What in god’s name is she wearing? Some sort of battle... apron? And nothing else?
Considering just how many times those 3D movement thingies have been compared to how spiderman moves, and considering just how infamous the Spiderman stage show is for accidents, this seems entirely predictable. Tragic, but predictable.
Japanese doesn’t even really have a concept of “swearing”, so that complaint doesn’t really map well.
Haha, yes! I mean, heck there’s times when censoring nudity doesn’t make sense (that weird starburst over the ending movie in Xenogears while they’re running to the end of the world naked), and then there’s putting 10 year old kids in lingerie. Let’s censor the latter straight to hell.
Let’s look at Earthbound. I might disagree with some of the choices of the localizers, but the decision to replace the squid statues with pencil and eraser statues was excellent. Even now, I really have a hard time “getting” the joke with erasing squid. I know it’s a pun, but since I don’t speak the language, the…
If someone has their fill early on, that’s fine, though I do think that reviewers have certain expectations of game length or how long it should take to solve a puzzle that the majority of gamers don’t share. I think it’s directly BECAUSE they are reviewers, paid to deliver a review by a specific date and play a game…
You can. Just call it Axiom Verge.
Back then, Enix tended to have the more “human” characters in their RPGs. Square tended to have characters serve the themes, and Enix tended to have themes serve the characters. Illusion of Gaia just has more believable people and situations (and people reacting to situations) than something like Final Fantasy 6. …
There has to be a twist.
My preferred tactic is to use social engineering on whoever I talk to in order to get into their system and take their key generator. My preferred way to get infected is a dummy virtual machine. My preferred way to pay is a payment I instantly reverse once things are unlocked.
Might as well have a kitten saying “I’m in yer bank account, takin’ yer cashies”. That picture is cavity inducing.
This attitude has fallen out of favor, but I kinda miss when religious people were complaining about violence and “glorification of war” in media. At least that’s an understandable complaint.
Dang, I already have all those...
Dang, I already have all those...
About time. The series “ended” several episodes back, but it’s been hobbling along on pointless side stories for a few months now. I’m glad someone finally took it out back to put it out of it’s misery.