Driving south on Interstate 95 through Maryland, eventually you come to the I-495 interchange near College Park. If…
Driving south on Interstate 95 through Maryland, eventually you come to the I-495 interchange near College Park. If…
I miss my old admin hours of 10-6 so much. Didn't have to get up till 8:50, less traffic, it was glorious. Now I'm at my desk at 8:30 and it still makes me cry 18 months later.
Yeah, thats hiw I feel when studies determine that early birds are happier than night owls. I'd be pretty damn happy too if the society revolved around my schedule.
THIS, so much this. The whole waking up at 7:00am and having to go to work makes me itch. Why can't the world start a little later?
It's difficult to not be pessimistic when considering humanity's future prospects. Many people would agree that…
Most science fictional and futurist visions of the future tend towards the negative — and for good reason. Our…
Modern boredom doesn't result from people living long lives, it results from people living boring lives. As people age, they fall into a rut. And then they know retirement is creeping up, so they're too scared to make any drastic changes in their career or life that might endanger that future.
There's an ongoing debate among neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, and even philosophers as to whether or not…
We interrupt your regularly scheduled news programming to bring you this wonderful piece of trivia about kangaroo…
So brilliant. You have won my heart.
Undaunted by the monumental failure of Personhood USA's push to declare fertilized human eggs exactly the same as…