
No it wouldn't be as long as the progress of science and technology continues. If traveling to other planets and throughout the universe is part of this immortality, then hell no will I get bored. Now for curious people and scientific people, they can handle some boring days but overall they will be just fine.

Caprica did do a really good job explaining the problem. Now I wish the Universe worked like on battlestar galactica where the cylon identity & consciousness is sent to a body in a tank when they are killed. But that is not the universe and laws of nature we live. Those were copies but for the show's sake they

He said they send a lethal chemical to kill you. There is no awareness in the plastic state. It's a really really good fossilized brain down to the molecular level. Hopefully good enough to create a copy of you who thinks they once lived as physical biological being until someone explains to them they killed

Jay- I agree with you. I see what Brad is saying and the argument goes continuity of consciousness is not important because of the examples of a person waking from a coma or someone falls in lake frozen lake and reanimates later. I would actually say they are right because I think continuity of consciousness is not

ParryLost- wow. You articulated that so well. That is EXACTLY how I feel I just couldn't put it in those words. Actually I would go so far to say that your correct on part 1 describing the nuance on who's who. On the second part of wanting to be copied. Even though I will cease to exist at least the me the

You're right. I wish you weren't but the evidence we have so far implies we ARE the substrate, so there is no such thing as moving or separating identity/consciousness. The mind is the brain. This theoretical process would create copies/clones. Just like twins. Just like on Star Trek. If we could actually break down