
Yeah, I agree. I said this in a couple of posts that apparently didn’t go over too well since they’ve both disappeared...but even in a work environment, if someone is speaking a different language and doing it disrespectfully, the problem is the disrespectful behavior and not language it’s happening in.

The United States doesn’t even have an official language. So those men and women constantly fighting for the eponymous “American rights” could be fighting for those kids to speak whatever fucking language they want to speak.

“So you’re on-board with broad statements like “women are stupid*”?”

Oh fucking please with the “not all men” schtick. Just stop!

Ahem. Morticians as a fan name is clearly set aside for

Every opinion you have ever had became invalid the moment you claimed McNuggets were nasty.

you mean i had to actually watch the video to get the joke?

“Avoid the pole altogether” is always a bullshit sentiment, but Cardi B has given interviews about how stripping saved her life. It was the only financial path she had out of an abusive relationship. Your sanctimonious quips are cruel and ignorant.

Maybe avoid the pole altogether next time?

He does deserve a job and he knows it.

Turns out, some white boys did it.

There’s always money in the Tauntaun stand.

Glad to see you will listen.. oh, wait, no you won’t. You’ll defend a white man who used black female bodies without their consent because he’s.. what? A great white man? No. Nope. Nada. Black folk have forever called his (and so many others) evil out only to be ignored what the revered white medical and scientific

Context: Fish and shrimp restaurant
Loose translation: Any person making two tacos from one will be billed twice.

What I always remind a friend of mine who keeps sharing this trick is that all you get more of is the tortilla. You don’t actually get an extra taco. ;)

There should be a trigger warning in this article for that second photo.

If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Or they had the kids before Facebook moved into the area causing the cost of living to skyrocket and left with the choice of leaving their home (the area they work and know everyone), or trying to scrape by and hope for a better tomorrow.

No big deal.. the guy plants the drugs is bad, but the other officers who saw him do it are cool with it. This is a clear example of how “good” cops will stand by while bad things are done by bad cops. Charge them all and vacate their cases (as much as I hate to say that) that hinge on their finding evidence then fire