
this is an incredibly stupid response.  you should slither back to breitbart, the Daily Stormtrooper, or whatever other deplorable shithole you crawled out of.

Dude, they fucking killed him and then lied about it.

It’s funny you think that if you endorse street executions that you will never be the victim of one.

Wow. I hope when one of your family members gets pulled over for having expired tags & then gets dragged out of their car & beaten to death, you’re equally insistent that the cops did nothing wrong. Especially after those cops lie about what happened & spend over two years trying to suppress evidence that clearly

For most of the country there is plenty of fair weather to use an e-bike that can offset usage of much larger, heavier vehicles that use way too much energy of any kind to move a single human around. If I were working out of my office still I could have taken a bike to work and back all week as the weather forecast

This is the “earther” section of gizmodo, not jalopnik...

If they use the Hummer’s chassis and giant battery as the basis for a light commercial EV it could be good. It’d work as a box truck, rollback, flatbed, service body, bucket truck, etc. Range might be limited but there are plenty of uses where that’s not a big issue.

Fuck off with that tired-ass false equivalency bullshit.

This argument against them earning makes no sense. Some jobs require more formal education than others. Others require persistence and dealing with people who think one earns too much.

That means you don’t make enough, either. It also matters on the region.

Ah yes, this is all just a cult of personality thing. It’s not like it’s really cool and noteworthy that a politician shouted out and then made a guest appearance on a prominent British LeftTuber’s charity stream and voiciferously defended trans rights the whole time. It’s not like a politician showing an interest in

Elon just needs to say that the $35,000 figure was in 2016 money, and with inflation it’s now $38,000.

Cruz has been rolling with this weird, misplaced, attack on O’Roarke’s “Texas bona fides.”

...You’re one of them...aren’t you?

Oh you mean the Hispanic who won’t use his given Hispanic name Raphael Edwardo Cruz. So he won’t be looked at as a “Mexican immigrant” to his racist base?

Especially since in our economy the people who work the hardest are often the people who are paid the least. The janitor in your building likely works much harder than your average office drone, but no amount of “working harder” is going to get them paid the same wage, and it certainly ain’t going to make him as rich

You don’t get to use a public platform to proclaim to the world that a minor critic of yours is a child rapist because your feelings are hurt and because he happens to live in Thailand. There is no mulligan for this. None.

Little boy Giz commenters rush to post tasteless non-jokes like “pics or it didn’t happen” and “I’ll need to see those pictures for research purposes”, thus confirming every so-called stereotype about us nerds.

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

Guys like you make it sound like this seething disdain a large slice of the world population carries isn’t caused by the immoral, destructive actions of said rich fucks.