
As a son of two...me too.

Thanks to David and Brandon for making this weekend the greatest automotive experience of my life thus far. The Briarwood will always be the anchor of my future fleet of shit boxes and I owe it all to you guys.

6th term Republican from North Dakota 39th District.

Dude. It’s completely relevant to the future of cars in America. Tell Trump to stop fucking with the auto industry.

Make America Grate Again

I’m still tickled that going on 60 years later, an offshoot genre from one of the most racist periods in American history is still the go-to standard for white people of every age as the gold standard for everything Black culture. As if Shaft was the pinnacle of African American achievement. It is our one sacred cow,

Last I checked there was still plenty of PoC in England during the 40s...I mean, we even have records dating black people to being at Elizabeth 1's court

If Britain and the US took these refugees, this story wouldn't exist.

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

The first thing civil rights activists don't do is compare atrocities among the oppressed.

What about a really intense staring contest.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

I’m sorry, do you think he didn’t encourage her to do these photos as an extension of their fame? This shoot took place in 2001, pre-Apprentice, pre-presidential run. At the time, Donald Trump was a marginal figure in both New York and celebrity life, and she was his girlfriend. She was absolutely encouraged by him to

That's a great point and nice addition!