Fergun Connell

I thought Kokomo was about a city, but it's really an island. Then I see other cities named Kokomo. They need their own songs, hehe.

Looks like they have to keep it a very attractive cast, a must for keeping audiences stuck on.

Oh, YA fiction is great in the supernatural section. And I like Vampire Academy better. hehe

Holy revivals! Now that'll really be classic. I always thought the 1960s Batman was as good an any of the later ones. hehe

I saw a video with one such product. It's an interesting mix, really.

Wonder if a similar thing could be done using the recent reworking of Gokaiger into Super Mega Force.

One day, people are going to have to know that it came from Sentai.
Like Super Megaforce is Gokaiger. And understand the source materials.

This was like the time they had black sitcoms for special niches. Perhaps they could have that again today. Meteor Man series anyone?

No doubt, this shows why slasher flicks are still watched by teens. Anything that livens up those young hormones.

Well, no matter the mistakes, they are actors who still deserve their rewards.

All the boy bands these days owe their style to NKTOB - now the executives of records today.