Fergun Connell

Vice seems to bring something new to the table after all. It could be worth watching, even if not one of the best when it appeared.

There's Warhammer, and then there's this dodgeball game with orcs that I saw somewhere. Board games are more complex these days, but a lot more fun now.

So sad. I wonder what convinced networks to get rid of Saturday morning cartoons. I still believe such cartoons are educational as well as entertaining.

Whoah, Japan really imitates the west in many ways. Now it's true of pro wrestling (which should be called show wrestling, hehe).

Argh, so it's more expensive to get our favorite streaming shows from them.

Could this pave the way for more revival of the 2011 shows that got cancelled before?

I was wondering if Syfy's got anything other than sci-fi… but then I guess they won't be what they should be.

I'm sure there'll be more scripts after this. So they got Momoa, thus, the villain should match, based on good writing.