Another Michael Jordan to become famous in a new Rocky movie. Hopefully. I saw some clips of Creed and it seems riveting.
Another Michael Jordan to become famous in a new Rocky movie. Hopefully. I saw some clips of Creed and it seems riveting.
Hmm, if younger Eastwood had been with Beyonce now, I think people would go all aflutter over it.
Good TV shows I guess would go with the best Youtube shows to watch. Right now, the Flash and iZombie are great watches.
They wouldn't make it if they had to do an epic meal time episode. hehe
Force Awakens toys will still be the sought after merchandise from this franchise. And that's not just a rhyme.
Wonder if there's a Green Mile episode. Taking cues from the Prison break movies seems a popular cue, after the Prison Break series came out.
Outbreak leads for me in plague movies, though I wonder how they'll stretch it in a TV series.
This makes for a different list of Avengers in a different world. Juggling all these things due to character rights can be a pain. A major one.
I think Malcolm in the Middle episodes were mostly understood, since, as indicated above, it had been experimental. Such experimental stuff is mostly underappreciated.
Yep, it seems this is one of the lesser episodes, as the top Modern Family episodes are already way in the past.
Taco Bell, still a pretty well-known Mexican-themed restaurant chain for me. But I'm aching for more choices.
Burritos are becoming one standard for measuring Mexican restaurant chains, but they shouldn't become the only one. It can get too stereotyped for comfort.
I think the cast of this movie is pretty good. If you're too familiar with them, perhaps the key is to let them try to play something different. Try not to have expectations, or just wait and see what happens.
Sure hope the focus on Jessica Jones will see an angle of her as a superhero mom. Well, maybe.
Aunt May is perhaps the best comic book mom, followed by Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman.
One nice thing about Emily is she knows how to play the cello.
The cirrhosis angle is an interestting one. It likely reflects real life celebrity cirrhosis issues, so it's realistic.
Viral marketing. That's something that kinda failed many times, and is kinda passe, isn't it?
Salem. If it's about witches, I'm sure there'll be a lot of deaths. But among TV deaths…. Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street tops the list for me.
Yoghurts with toppings would fill my sweet tooth for desserts.