
Is there some sort of logical rule that says: Once you’ve been reduced to a slippery slope defense, you’ve officially conceded any and all arguments?

You made an outstanding point if you were trying to sway an audience of people afflicted with some sort of cognitive deficiency that made it impossible for them to utilize critical thinking and logic.

Tax rates now (under a democrat) are the same or lower than they were under the GOP hero Ronald Reagan. All of the spin in the world can’t hide this fact.

This wasn’t even the most political moment of the night. Pagano had his entire punting unit act out the chaos of the Speakership race.

“Do you believe in voodoo economics... YES!!!”

Rob Ford’s Darryl Strawberry impression was much more spot-on.

Bartolo Colon: [approaches beer slip n slide]

It’s all fun and games until someone breaks Ruben Tejada’s other leg.

Just ask Chris Farley!

I’m sure his kids are so proud of him.

And the winner will face either the Royals or the Blue Jays.

Murphy’s accomplishments aside, can we please take a moment to embrace the batshit craziness of the following statement:

Public water restrictions are the new market inefficiency, Beane is just ahead of his peers in exploiting them.

I bet it really was Belichick.

I can’t believe how much the Flyers fans booed that dimwit from up north considering how high the tide of popularity was at the time. I also can’t believe how quickly and completely everything fell apart after this. But enough about Mike Richards.

It’s nice to see that this type of unacceptable fan behavior is being properly dealt with. There’s nothing worse than seeing some bandwagon fan with first row seats sleeping through half the game.

Do not throw a beer can

Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

Don’t sweat the difficulties, Albert. If we know one thing about gamers, it’s that they’re not particularly hypersensitive to any sort of direct or even indirect criticism about their hobby.