Ferdinand Cesarano

“I’m not sure what Hosmer means by ‘turn around.’”

Worse still, blame shifting. The Toronto Mop and Pail purports (not “reports”) that “the bus collided with the truck”.

Yeah those people make me disgusted to be from the same city as them. On the other hand, the protesters make me proud to be a Clevelander!! (Assuming they’re even from Cleveland)

I’m not trying to be anything other than myself. I’m sharing my in opinion, and you don’t have to agree with either my message or the way I present it. That line was probably meant to be darkly amusing but to me was always deadly serious. I also don’t know of any meme behind that but felt like attributing the quote to

As a Tribe fan, these people are the worst. I removed my Wahoo decals and started only buying gear without the Chief pretty much right after I went to opening day and saw those protesters. Literally the only argument I ever needed, and should ever be needed.

It’s not a pointless conversation but you’re under no obligation to have it.

Honestly none of our comments are helpful or necessary. 14 people are dead and we shouldn’t assume it happened for no reason, randomly, with no negligence at all.

The cycling community is also pushing for this change in terminology. Most cycling groups prefer collision or crash. There’s a sad/cynical joke among cyclists that if you want to get away with killing someone in this country, hit them when they’re biking. It’s sad, but pretty true. The number of times that cyclists

At my work, we don’t use the term ‘accident’, we say ‘incident’, or ‘collision’, or ‘crash’. The times that a MVI (motor vehicle incident) is actually an accident, as in a rock dislodged from a cliff fell out of the sky is a very small portion of the spectrum, when the common causes are speeding relative to posted

Collision, not accident.

That is a damn good Chili Peppers run — for the seeming few of us who can stand them!

I know four guys who would disagree.

Gabe Kaplan just sent a stern note to you via Epstein’s mother.

I think one of the most important things is that all four leads seem 100 percent committed.

Again fuck you and your stupid true hit king bullshit.

I didn’t get a Community notification for this?! How could anyone forget about Britta’s epic love story with the anthropomorphized Subway?????

Edit: Oh, nvm, Erik Adams briefly mentions it in passing in his blurb.

Underwhelming? You’ve obviously have never come across someone like Bibby. That was an excellent episode depicting the exasperation in dealing with a “hustle man” and all the bullshit that comes with his/her life.

I couldn’t disagree with the reviewer any more. This episode was hilarious. Bibby had so many damn quotables, and I thought they did a good job of putting us in Paperboi’s shoes, where you are one step away from kicking this dude’s ass. But we see that the relationship between a black dude and his barber is really

Man, I havent been in this much disagreement with a review in a while. I thought this was the best episode so far of the season. I think Atlanta can sometimes over-reach and go too broad, but by just focusing on something small and expanding it to ridiculous proportions, it felt specific and unforced in a way that

Shandling was always quick to cite both Benny and Burns as influences.