Ferdinand Cesarano

For decades, industry insiders expressed serious doubts that recycling plastic would ever be profitable...

The Pi AI has had very convincing-sounding voice capabilities for quite some time.

This is a thorough and excellent history.

“Sewing discontent”?!

...it doesn’t look like the media mogul is phased one bit...

“The Mask Collector”? “Cristabol”?

Sally didn’t commit a murder. She killed someone who was attacking her. Even though she used the word “murderer” for herself, her act of killing in self-defence is different from murder under the law — and, more important, morally.

It’s never a good sign when the first word of an article is a grammatical error.

I thank you for the correction on the spelling of “idiomatic”. Another error was that I left the final -s off of “expressions”. I should have typed more carefully.

The expression is “shoo-in”.

That’s “its placement”, not “it’s placement”!

Lance Reddick is the only person ever to out-crazy Eric André.

The original Dolores was erased by Serac at the end of last season.

There was no mention of a “21st century pandemic”.  When William mentioned a pandemic, he said that it had occurred “150 years ago”.  He was referring to the flu pandemic of 1918; he even noted that the pandemic happened during the first World War.

Interesting point. Am I forgetting the big pile of cash to stay silent? Please remind me about that.

I had been thinking that Cousineau’s reputation could not be harmed by revelations about Barry, as Cousineau didn’t know about Barry’s murders when he helped him, and he himself was harmed one of those murders.

But maybe

Thanks for the response.

I can certainly understand Cousineau’s emotional need to close the book on such a painful period, especially now that he has emerged from the depression and is doing well.

But I don’t follow the reasoning that “he knows no good can come from getting involved with Barry and his killings again.”

I don’t quite get why Cousineau felt the need to protect Barry in his conversation with Moss. It’s true that Cousineau got his show thanks to the break that Barry provided for him; but it’s not like he’s going to lose that show if Barry gets caught.

I do understand that the jokey tag line “but lose the cock” serves to undermine the sincere statement that precedes it.

Here Gervais is engaging in more jokecraft, which I generally defend. Still, if I were giving Gervais notes, I would suggest that he drop that particular line.

The question of whether even telling these jokes is appropriate in a society that still rejects and marginalises LGBT people is a valid one. I think the answer is: it depends on the setting.

Consider the jokes that Jeff Ross made about Caitlyn Jenner at the Alec Baldwin roast:

“I love all your movies, Alec. I loved you

What Gervais said at the end of his show is not the least bit “baffling”. It is as clear as clear can be: in real life he supports trans rights. This tells us that onstage Gervais is playing a character. Many of our best comedians have comic personas that are far from their normal personalities. Anthony Jeselnik’s