Ferdinand Cesarano

What kind of sad fuck clicks on an article to berate the people interested in its topic?

It’s a family sitcom that uses ‘comic-book time.’ Continuity just isn’t going to be a part of it.

The “I’ll” in that drove me crazy! Olive is already “I’ll have.”

absolutely. but the hypocrisy of it all is that legislator dad is an anti-regulation type. what a painful lesson.

The MLBPA needs to get its head out of its ass and expand to include the minor leagues. They might find they have even more leverage when they control all players. Sadly, they seem laser focused on making the richest top 10% of players richer, and making sure the clubhouse meals have cloth napkins.

First of all - “The Save America’s Pastime Act?” Go fuck yourselves.

Massachusetts has been studying this and has put forth a recommendation that we move to AST. The fun part is most of the New England state legislatures have passed measures that basically say “if Mass goes, we go” so one vote on Beacon Hill could shift an entire region.

Why does it fold the wrong way? I want a small screen to see messages and such, but I want the main screen well protected. Make the clamshell fold inward to defend the glorious screen and put a little message screen that can get beat to heck on the outside for quick messages.

Whoever created the physical Beaker puppet is the biggest genius in the history of the show. I can’t even look at him without laughing.

If he didn’t have hands he wouldn’t have been able to make chicken in the basket. 2 Points!

You know what is amazing about this? It saves every team less than the minimum salary of a single MLB player. Assuming that every MLB team has 50 players on it’s minor league rosters(this is ludicrously high, the largest roster size is 35) the average team saves all of $277,875!

That was amazing.

That always creeped me the fuck out when I was a kid. “Why does the Swedish Chef have human fingers?!?!” (Actual answer, because he’s the only Muppet who’s constantly picking different stuff up . . . which would be a bitch for the puppeteer who can’t see what he’s doing so being able to feel his way around goes a long

This is exactly something the original show would have done. Though, they would probably have picked a more risky song. Having him Orggie-Borgie his way though some NWA would have been hilarious.

Yeah you never played a second of minor league baseball. If you did, you would have a better understanding of how the system works, not your bullshit incorrect stab here. The other players are very much not superfluous and not interchangable with rando ball players. Teams specifically hope to hit a home run (pun

I was talking only about my personal experience, the reality is I happen to agree with the article which I failed to include in my post last night.

“Save America’s Pastime Act”

Anyone who supports this bullshit is an absolute SAP

Baseball is a game of tradition. If ballplayers today aren’t being paid enough they should do what the old-timers used to do-fix games for racketeers.

It’s supposed to have LIDAR or similar sensors which detect obstacles in front of it - whether or not they’re illuminated. Part of the point of these autonomous vehicles is that they’re supposed to have better ways to detect potential problems than a human driver, and this shows that wasn’t the case.