Ferdinand Cesarano

There is one simple thing wrong with The US Electorate...we let white people vote.

I know! People have been screwing up apostrophes and there/their since long before I was born, but “could/should/might of” seems much more common just in the last 10 years. And it makes my eyes bleed, too... I mean it’s not a pro-level mistake like mixing up continual/continuous, it’s just goddamn ignorant.

Looks like I’m not the only one that has noticed the glut of people on the internet saying “should of”. I don’t know why but it really bothers the shit out of me.

Can someone explain to me why I get the red squiggly line when I type, “90s,” vs when I type, “90's?” Sometimes I want to talk about the 90s.

There’s a McSweeney’s or some similar site writeup from the point of view of that particular poor bastard.

SkyNet - now that I live in a world where Trump became President, it’s time for humanity to end.

Following the theme of everyone wishing they lived in Star Trek, I would love to have a Holodeck, assuming it wasn’t as buggy as the ones in the tv shows. (You’d imagine that if those sorts of malfunctions were standard it’d have impeded adoption of the technology. Now I’m imagining the tech support calls that must

Meh. Due just to normal attrition of the cells in your body, you aren’t the same ‘you’ once enough time has passed. 

It would be nice if more English-speaking reporters learned Spanish and stopped whining about Spanish-speaking players not learning English.

Why not just eliminate “declaring for the draft”?

They can get around the “awkwardness” by just having the same rules as hockey and baseball, and ditching the MLB 3 year rule. You can be drafted out of high school and still go to college, or you can go and get drafted, but decline to sign a contract. This nonsense of having to declare for the draft needs to go. If

You’re missing the most obvious issue: why the fuck should minor-league sports be affiliated with universities at all? You want to pay the athletes, fine. But then why bother having them be part of the school? That’s a lot of words just to try and justify college athletics, when that’s the problem in the first place.

Ho, mi ne ofte renkontas samideanojn “en la sovaĝejo”: saluton! :-D

Dear Chris Berman,

There was one hilarious episode where Hawkeye got in a fight with BJ and left the Swamp, and BJ started going over with Winchester his letters from home, talking in excruciating detail about his young daughter’s potty training. At one point BJ starts talking about his latest letter and Winchester deadpans, “And how

I just don’t understand why Charles Barkley is hosting SNL in 2018.

That’s the tie-breaker? Who is faster with the button? That is exceedingly lame.

Because they’re complete fucking idiots.