Ferdinand Cesarano

Duck, goose!

Hell, he was in the NFL. How does he explain even the time differences in sunsets between New York and the west coast?

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

Hello, old school vaper here, have worked in the industry for many years and active in many advocacy groups. Post like this undermine the community, this is legitimate science, they are not condemning anything, just testing and researching which we should support.

Not to be that guy but it’s...Johns Hopkins

These things probably saved my life. I smoked for 24 years, starting at 11 years old. Standard nicotine replacement methods didn’t work, but gradually reducing the nicotine concentrations in the e liquid finally did the trick. I’m all for restricting the flavors and packaging allowed and raising the age required to

Everyone can pee standing up. The difference lies in how wet your socks are at the end.

Hear hear!

Heres a hot take: standing behind a friend/colleague and offering support and a listening ear =/= endorsing sexual harrasment

Damore’s comments were not factual, were directed at a whole protected class of people (women) without any sound reasoning whatsoever, and therefore created a hostile work environment. He deserved to be terminated, as should everyone who similarly creates a hostile work environment.

Sparky looks like he’s saying to himself “Shut the fuck up or I will kill you and spare humanity”.

Why did we give Florida two (any) major leagues teams again, Bud?

I hope you’re not letting SNL off the hook. They also normalised Trump.

I feel like a poor guy with an upset stomach got attacked and then thrown off a plane.

How can the farter be at fault? I guess he could have retreated to the bathroom to fart, or maybe he needed to fart more quietly, but “just not farting” doesn’t really seem to be an option. Sometimes you have gas and you have to fart, that’s just the way farts work. #fartfacts

I agree, this article fucking sucks

Or, and I know this is wild, don’t let sponsors dictate your writing. I’m sure Amazon isn’t happy with a lot of the coverage that happens on GMG considering they advertise here, but thankfully sales and editorial here are separate like they should be.

Uh yeah, unless you’re fine with multimillion dollar corporations dictating the news to you.

I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is