Ferdinand Cesarano

To quibble: then you should refer to it as a “bibliography” or “works cited.” “Further Reading” implies something meant for a person interested in learning more about the topic. People who can make their way through Adams’ books aren’t going to be listening to your podcast (at least not in the expectation of learning

This was pretty lame, I can’t think of anything cornea.

Which one was Alex Trebek and which one was the contestant? All white people look alike to me.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Don’t for get the Irish drinking songs, pretty sure “there’s blood on my stool” can still make me piss myself

He’s a professional broadcaster (of some renown). He ought to know the man’s name. And for hearing “Tarkington” has always been like hearing some say “supposably.” Nails on a chalkboard annoying.

I am more put off by the Fran “Tarkington” reference.

Some of them participate more than others. Wil Wheaton held his own. And Wanya Morris blew Jonathan Mangum off the stage when he and Wayne played Duet.

The Robin Williams episode is lunacy.

I think only Ryan really hated the Hoedown. Colin and Wayne, I believe, are neutral on them, but did get annoyed at Drew picking it so many times.

Billy Paul got NFL Sunday Ticket this year. It was the only way to watch his Patriots every week. Paul lives in Massachusetts. See a problem?

the Astros’ head physician

Valid point about North Jersey.
They might as well just lop the state in half and split it between New York and Pennsylvania.

Because you are dissing North Jersey I will accept this an answer. Thank you for changing my mind, or at least softening my position.

The organization was a good group there. But, we also had the best parties in the stands. Not just saying that. We had beer bongs in the stands. There were people getting naked. There was the drunk guy who was always dancing in the aisles around his seat at one endzone who got a ton of cheers. One day, he got on top

i’d argue that every episode is actually about new york city itself, which is perhaps the real main character of the show.

That read like an excerpt from American Psycho, and it was awesome. Recommended.

I think coworkers dating is fine ethically. Might be a bad idea from an interpersonal standpoint, but adults can make that choice. Sometimes people work so much, that’s the only place they’re going to meet someone. Can’t begrudge that.

“Basically, it sounds like he considered himself untouchable, and is very annoyed to be facing consequences for his actions.”

No, it doesn’t sound like this at all, as can be seen by the quotes attributed to him directly above this disingenuous dismissal.