Ferdinand Cesarano

I don’t hate to say it because it’s wrong.

We have anti-trust laws?

Don Knotts raped a horse.

Though it’s certainly pedantic for me to say, as noted in the linked article, Smiley’s radio show was distributed by Public Radio International. Though many PRI affiliates also belong to NPR, they’re actually two separate entities.

If anything, Miss Piggy sexually harassed HIM!

The fatigue thing is a you problem, stop pretending it’s a real thing.

Not particularly, and I think you’re missing the point of her post.

We still have Enrico Pallazzo though, right?!

Yeah, looks like Barry switched up the 9 and the 8. To be fair, though, Billy Martin was obnoxious enough to get posthumously ejected.

Meh. Not so amazing if you knew Billy.

Which is determined by the arresting officer and confirmed by the court, both of which financially benefit from the arrest (not to mention the carceral capitalists).

For sure. They’re 1 and 2, whichever order you choose.

Even Kate McKinnon, the ensemble’s best, seemed somewhat unprepared.

Because the traditional way often overlooks things that matter in favour of things that don’t.

Especially if you’re a black man.

Wait a sec...why do we need that acronym? LEO=cop, right? Same amount of letters and 3x the number of syllables if spoken.  

Man, arresting someone for drunk/disorderly when they are in the process of trying to act responsibly and get an Uber to drive them home is such bullshit.

“You’re an Uber”

Never ask a cop for help