Ferdinand Cesarano

The best way to reheat French fries is not at all.  French fries are best at room temperature.

Dr. Oz is wrong about many, many things.

But he’s right about this.

Do not toast bagels.

Do not eat pizza with a knife and fork.

(Mayor de Blasio does both of these things.)

They got this new thing, it’s called “water”.

George Costanza did it.

All the enjoyment of Ghostbusters was ruined for me when I realised that the otherwise highly intelligent Dan Aykroyd really believes that nonsense.

I was content to follow Discovery by means of podcasts and blogs. But for Picard I had to get the app.

The comment on the racial dynamics of the casting are spot-on.

(I starred the comment; but stupid Kinja just erases the stars that I give. Hence my move to leave a response as well.)

In the episode, the Romulans who attack Dahj refer to the language as “English”. This is a mistake, as the correct name for the language in that time period is Federation Standard.

(Kompreneble, se la homaro estus vere tiel avancinta, tiuokaze la “Federacia Norma” estus tiu ĉi lingvo.)

Picard spoke French in an episode of The Next Generation, when he met Minuet in the holodeck.

I am very pleased to see your comments!

And I want to mention that this stupid Kinja system is not letting me star comments. I can click on the star, but I notice that any comment that I star will not be there when I come back to this page. That is true for your mose recent comment, as well as your comment from back on

Eve wins by virtue of sheer hotness.

Anyway, it would be great if Family Feud in this country had that host instead of the unwatchable Steve Harvey. Or else get Tom Bergeron in there.

Now playing

Ah, right you are. That one was indeed done with Candice Bergen.

Yes, indeed! I think that character was Irwin Mainway; and he was interviewed by an increasingly annoyed and appalled Joan Face, as played by Jane Curtain.

Dan Aykroyd is still, in my view, the greatest of all the cast members. But Kate McKinnon is not far behind.

I just want to mention that I have starred your comment several times, but the (terrible) Kinja interface keeps erasing the star. So I will put it here: ★ 

Excellent points. Chappelle’s act of smoking a cigarette is a reflection of the unthinking nature of his supposed acts of “transgression”: he’ll rebel against anything, even good things like LGBTQ inclusivity or denunciation of sexual predators — or rules against smoking. Being mindlessly contrarian is not a virtue;

No kidding. I am saying that Garrett should have been there as a means of Eddie Murphy showing respect to him.

The show utilised Eddie himself properly. He became a superstar on the strength of his performances there.

That song is indeed wonderful.