Ferdinand Cesarano

Hillary should be played by Rebecca De Mornay (as every fan of Karl Pilkington will know).

Wrong. That was a good movie, in which Lauren Lapkis stole the show. Holmes and Watson and the delightful The Happytime Murders were the most unjustly panned movies of the year.

I am interested only in the details of his time portraying Leonard Unger on The Odd Couple.

Worse, imagine being so addicted to snark as a default mode that a sincere appreciation of great art is inconceivable.


The line was “That baby has your trainer’s eyes.”

Gavin Belson has been defanged by overuse in the same way that Q was on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I don’t know where you learnt Italian. Ma qui nella Terra, you cannot have two consecutive conjugated verbs. So after the conjugated form of the first verb “let” (“lasciare”), the next verb must be in the infinitive: “...ti lascia mangiare bene”.

A conjugated verb should be followed by an infinitive, not by another conjugated form. So the headline should read “...lets you mangiare bene...”.

As I mentioned, the ability for gay people to join the military and to get married represents a marker of equality; I certainly have tremendous respect for the courage of the people who fought and suffered to achieve these things in countries where, not long ago, gay people’s very existence was legally proscribed.

While focussing on the military and on marriage is not entirely unproblematic, in terms of adopting the very worst aspects of the hetero/mainstream culture, these things undoubtedly represent significant progress from the days of legalised discrimination. And so we now have an environment in which a stridently

This is pretty interesting. Especially this part:

Tic-Tacs are great. I wouldn’t have guessed that anyone could forget about them, because they are prominently displayed in every grocery store, pharmacy, bodega, and newsstand that I see.

Anyway, I am glad that these new ones are white.  I use only the peppermint ones because the spearmint turns my tongue green.

It’s a pleasure to read a piece about actual New York pizza after having just read something about combination gas stations / pizzerias located in Iowa (of all places).

It’s great pizza.

I loved the McRib. The exquisite taste of the pork, combined with the sauce, the pickles, the onions. Orgasmic. The McRib actually too good for McDonald’s; it’s so good that it should be coming from White Castle.

Nowadays I don’t eat meat, though I am not strictly vegetarian: I will admit to having some chicken noodle

This is good news; I am encouraged to see that the British LGBTQ movement is so vibrant.

This place should also close because in Britain they pronounce “fillet” as it is spelt, not as “fillay”; so the name of the place makes no sense.

I wish Vince were still with the Nets.

To his credit, veteran host Pat Sajak is nonplussed by Davis’ unusual remarks...

Blame the local authorities, as well. If someone does this stuff at a stadium in England, that person will be arrested. In places where that doesn’t happen, that signals the authorities’ approval.

England is no lest racist a place than Bulgaria or anywhere else. And English racists can and do spread their pollution in