Ferdinand Cesarano

Joe Tsai is right: the territorial integrity of China is a cultural value. Anyone who does not understand that should probably find a different country with which to have any sort of relationship.

I believe that, one way or another, the Chargers will be back in San Diego.

Doping should indeed be legal.

The best residents of Rancho Cucamonga.

Not against cops and laws, but against overmilitiarised racist cops and completely unjust laws.

If police forces were not purveyors of state terror, and if the law did not prohibit people from governing their own bodies (in other words: if we had a just society), then snitching would be a good thing. But in our current

If you don’t want drug gangs shooting people in the street, then advocate for legalising drugs.  You don’t see Coke and Pepsi shooting people; you don’t see that for any legal product.

Now playing

Michael Jordan playing baseball was actually a wonderful thing. He was indulging a dream, and was paying homage to his father who had recently been murdered.

Jordan’s 1994 season at AA Birmingham was decent; and he would have come back for a second season in 1995 if not for the strike of the Major League players and th

The idea that the NBA should end its association with the biggest country in the world is absurd.

Silver is doing the best he can in the impossible position he has been put in by a team employee’s irresponsible act. Still, China could be more gracious. The NBA is making a point of respecting the Chinese cultural value

Without defending an authoritarian capitalist China which has abandoned all revolutionary principles, we should note that the Hong Kong protesters are engaged in the profoundly retrograde act of pining for colonial times. The “two systems” farce is an indefensible form of inequality that deserves to end immediately.

Jay would certainly be welcomed home to the Orlando Predators, who are now playing in the new league that has been created by the merger of the NAL and the CIF.

Someone in management calling workers “motherfuckers” is bad.

A black person using the N-word is not bad.

“Michael”, not “Micheal”.

Thank you for mentioning Tim Kazurinsky! That is just who I thought of. An A+ for the reviewer!

Please note that there is no such thing as a “sideline” in baseball.

The writer of this piece has proven that she is unfit to live amongst civilised people.

This is some Oswald Bates shit.

The most awkward part about the use of “they” is the verb. A newly created pronoun, for example the sometimes-used “ze”, takes a singular verb. So we get “ze is a nice person”. But “they” takes a plural verb, so it always feels plural: “they are a nice person” sets off all sorts of clangs and alarms in my head.


The verb “lanciare” means “to throw”. (In baseball, the pitcher is called the “lanciatore”.) So “devi lanciargli dieci banane” is “you have to throw ten bananas at him”, not “...feed him ten bananas”.

I have always said that there should be no such thing as offensive pass interference. This is a case in point.

This is the "edited" version, and he still wrote "who's" for "whose"? Maybe he should have tried writing it in Italian.