Ferdinand Cesarano

Is he wearing an Expos cap?

Hammer fight.

“The important thing is that the film treat women properly.” The subjunctive mood is required for the verb in the subordinate clause, which refers to an unreal event.

By contrast, the sentence “The important thing is that the film treats women properly”, in which the verb in the subordinate clause in the indicative

I am so glad I skipped them!

When Pitino was the coach of the Knicks, with Mark Jackson at the point, Patrick Ewing in his career’s sole period of dominance in the paint, and long-range bombers Gerald Wilkins and Trent Tucker keeping opponents honest, that was the only time since the Clyde/Pearl days that that team was interesting.

I wish there could be a crossover between A.P. Bio and Those Who Can’t. Jack would be pals with Loren. He would become Shoemaker’s idol; and he would delight in tormenting Fairbell. And he’d surely start hitting on Abbey, though he’d quickly lose interest and wind up up thinking of her as a doofus.

Principles Durbin

I love this guy for this. May he have the best of luck.

The show is obviously not ruined. Still, I wonder what Hader was thinking regarding that particular writing choice.

I might, too, considering that being horny for Beverly Crusher is a normal condition.


The Islanders and Nets have six titles between them. Even if he is too young to remember the Nets' ABA titles, he should have some memory of at least the last of the Islanders' four Stanley Cup wins.

I hope that you will also check out the games of that building’s newest tenant, the New York Streets of the National Arena League. This year marks the return of arena football to New York after an absence of ten seasons following the folding of the New York Dragons (and of the entire original Arena Football League)

The issue is not the lack of names ending in -s; it is the lack of plural names.

“According to the accounts, he then barked for a photographer to take he and his daughter’s photo...”

Bad take.

Sport is indeed entertainment; but the entertainment relies on objectively verifiable events. Therefore, getting calls right so as to definitively establish the nature of these events is of primary importance.

What I attack is facile and rote storytelling. The show had been brave enough to depict a person for whom drinking and drugs were an integral part of his life, without ever succumbing to the trope of showing him failing at his job. We know that Jim had an emotional breakdown; and we can guess that the drugs probably

I am a delight, a veritable master of the bon mot.

It is true that black participation in baseball and black representation in the Majors are way down as compared to the levels of the 1970s and 1980s. Also, we should all deplore the notion of “playing the game the right way”, as that is clearly a racist code.

HOWEVER, to suggest that baseball is less diverse than it eve

What kind of question is that?

The truth is that someone who does not cook has no need for a stove.

But let’s also talk about the fact that baseball is less diverse than it ever has been.