Ferdinand Cesarano

Or of Muhammad Ali? Or of Jason Collins? Or of Caster Semenya?

That is true. The police will frequently tell a suspect that they have evidence that they in fact do not have, such as fingerprints or someone else’s statement, as a means to induce the suspect to confess. 

Especially gramatically.

There is no good reason to hate Manchester City (apart from the traditional intra-city rivalry with United).

No one can deny that their ownership consists of terrible people. But that is true universally across big-time professional sports, as there is no morally sound way to become rich enough to own one of these

I am simply giving due credit to the remarkable talent that we are privileged to have in our midst.

Hmm. I don’t think so.

Yes. Fuches’s bandage is the part that makes sense.

Right, good point. The time for the audiologist is farther down the road, during the trial (if there is one), not hours after the arrest.

Loach shot Ronnie; and then he took aim at Barry, while shouting “Stop resisting”, presumably to create the appearance of a plausible reason for shooting Barry.

Right. Though Barry repeatedly asked Fuches to take him to a hospital, even saying once that he was dying.

It was shoddy police work for the cops to have said that the voice on the voice mail “sounds like” Gene. They needed to get a forensic audiologist in there to examine the recording and establish that the speaker could not have been Gene. Luckily, Gene has been released anyway.

We did see him reload once.

I disagree with the idea that you can find better of jokes on Twitter. But, even if you could, please realise that Saturday Night Live is about more than the jokes. Its primary power lies in the performances. A reasonable person cannot look at Kate McKinnon, Cecily Strong, Heidi Gardner, Kenan Thompson, and, yes, Alec

The reflexive dismissal of Alec Baldwin’s Trump impression is most tiresome. What’s more, this critique is completely anti-artistic.

Now I want to know what Andrew Lloyd Weber thinks of Paul F.’s impression of him.

Not only should there be no international draft, there should be no draft at all. Anyone who doesn’t already work for a Major League organisation should be free to sign with any organisation.

Idiots who defend the draft will cite the Yankees’ dominance as the reason for the draft’s creation. But, even if one team were

Sassin frassin rassin...

They are certainly not NBD. They are, however, inescapable if you wish to follow big-time sports.

If someone were to choose to renounce all pro sports and to follow only local amateur athletics, on the grounds of disgust over the moral degeneracy of team owners, that would be a respectable and consistent position.


The whispery tone that Fuches used in the phone call might have made it hard for an untrained person to detect the difference between his and Gene’s voices. But a police forensic audiologist examining the recording would be able to tell them apart with ease.

Fuches’s southern accent and Gene’s New York accent are very

The propoganda is that which paints Abu Dhabi as uniquely evil. In fact, there is no morally sound way to get rich enough to own a major sports team.

I am perfectly aware that the owner of NYCFC is a deputy prime minister of the UAE, a country in which homosexuality is illegal. Just as I was aware when I was a kid and