Ferdinand Cesarano

Right. Even if Barry gets there in time to kill Fuches before Fuches can kill Gene, this still leaves Gene vulnerable to arrest — though forensic analysis would presumably show that the voice on the phoned-in “confession” was not Gene’s.

As owners, CFG are always competitive in signing top stars. So much so that a whole generation of young players around the world now sees Man City, and not Man United, as one of the most attractive teams to play for. United have the history; but City are making their history right now.

All money is equally dirty.

I hope the NPF lasts long enough for Becker to play in it. And then I hope that she provides a boost for the league.

I see very few movies. But, when I do see a movie, I always select the first showing of the day, which will be anywhere from 10:00 to 11:00am. 

One time I accompanied my friend, who is a professional musician, to a concert at Lincoln Center. I know nothing about classical music; but I was up to appreciate that day’s programme.

There was one piece in which the xylophone was played with such consummate skill, producing music of such profound beauty, that I was

Did he?  Well, that is something you might say if you were drunk, and also horny for the doctor in question.

That is a terribly short-sighted way to look at it. Buying local (even if the prices are higher) means that wealth is kept in your area, so that the tax base is supported, so that services can be provided. Assuming that you want a functioning fire department and sanitation department, buying local is always in a

But there are lots of places that CAN’T have that diversity of food year-round...

The best thing that could happen to support local food would be a drastic increase in gasoline prices. This creates a premium on food shipped from afar, which, in turn, gives local producers a built-in advantage.

When gas prices are high, only good things happen in response: a proliferation of bike lanes; cities’ invest

One point of buying local is to support local economies.  Another point is to promote seasonal eating.

The correct amount and the correct kind of liquid to add to cereal is “none”.

Yes.  It is nice to see that. You can still be a fierce competitor while acknowledging something great that your opponent has done.


Ah, very good. You might have something there.

Barry made a mistake by framing his comments to Fuches as an act of choosing Gene over Fuches. He could simply have emphasised to Fuches that he was tired of living like this, and that he wanted to have a less stressful existence, and left it at that.

Actually, it is less of a tactical error on the character’s part

Right, silly me. It’s been only 22 measly years.

Yes, it will.

But Bortus didn’t know that Moclus had been destroyed (and that Klyden and Topa had therefore probably been killed) until Kelly told him. Indeed, he said at first that what had been keeping him going was the hope of seeing them again.

Interesting. Maybe you’re right; maybe I haven’t been sufficiently appreciating the break from a realistic tone that this episode represents.