@Beardstorming: OSX. Snork.
@Beardstorming: OSX. Snork.
@I see the light. It burns!: Mmm hmm. I'm a developer myself dude, don't blow smoke up my tailpipe. You yourself don't really believe that's what he means. Why are people around here afraid to call a thief a thief? Oh, right.
@leeit2me: Thief.
@CorporateRobot: Believe it or not, the intent of the video was not that we get a chubby from it.
@The K Gee19: Ironically, your response shows a typically provincial American attitude: trailer = redneck. Sorry that's the case where YOU are.
@The K Gee19: Did you miss the "Think Michael Moore, not Demi Moore" part?
Lawyer up, Giz.
Pedal, not peddle. Jeez.
It won't work. Your desperate search goes on.
@Clixx13: Ooh, I saw what you did there. It wuld have been clever if it would have been clever. See what I did there?
When you understand the following two sentences, you will get it: It doesn't matter what you think. That's the whole point.
Give. It. Up.
This is what happens when you post articles too fast.
Jeez. What is this, the right wing nut version of Gizmodo? Teabagger-modo?
@elcontemporaneo: Can't agree. And I'm an Android developer. These are exactly the issues I was concerned about.
@shanghai: Your attitude, ironically, makes it HARDER for progressives in this country. Just as there is an "ugly American", it's hard for us to be on the side of "spoiled, smug Eurotrash".
WHET. You can WHET your appetite.
@Platypus Man: Yes. They suck.
@ddhboy: It's not my fault if you dodder a bit and wander from your main point. Thanks for quoting your bad grammar at me, though. It certainly doesn't support your point, since "at your age" is completely ambiguous.
@Greg Krynen: Precious.