
I also bought this stylus shortly after getting a tablet. Sadly Windows 8 still has a lack of great drawing apps (would love to see Paper come to the platform). Still, it is a pretty good stylus.

Interesting to know. I am luckily in an industry that is unlikely to demand anything specific (I could probably send my resume on the back of a video game cartridge and they would love it). It would be a pain for me to create a Doc version of mine having created it in illustrator... Probably shot myself in the foot

I think most CV's are fine in this sense, but it bears checking sometimes. Not only that, but it may be a good idea to strip your resume yourself and take a look at the focused content — helps with finding errors.

Having just had an interview last week as I start looking for a new position and currently working for a company that builds recruiting software, I recently retooled my resume with a few things in mind. One thing is that often, despite what work you do on your resume's design, they often just get parsed and read as

I think, at least in Berlin, it has a great deal more to do with the age of the buildings in which most people live. These buildings were often built before central AC was really a thing to design for.

Eh, I forgot that they were listed there. But truly it is because of the cost. I looked into these previously and none of the ones that seemed like they would help (based on reviews, etc) were at all reasonably priced — which the article also indicates.

Have you never been hot and sweating and wanted to not be hot and sweating?

Thanks for the link. I am sure I read this some time ago, but that was before I ever needed it... Will definitely look into this.

I recently moved to Europe from the US and am now having to deal with a Berlin summer with no AC. It isn't too terrible, but being used to constant AC I would love some more respite. Does anyone have tips on keeping cool in a European apartment? i.e. a space where none of these solutions is practical. Anything other

Was really excited when I found the Office web apps. I use skydrive a lot because it works out of the box with my windows phone and w8 hardware. Love that they are integrating it even more with w8.1.

Vote: Skydrive

I can't think of a time when I have reacted that strongly (or at least that LOUDLY) to anything... I think that may just mean that I live a sad, unexciting life, though ;)

Yes... I think this is partly also simply because it is giving the juices already on top of the steak a depressed area in which to pool. But I say we both keep forks away from our cooking steaks anyway, if only for our mental health.

The main reason I never like to use a fork to flip isn't because I expect giant rivulets of juice to come flowing out of the holes I just poked, but because I always seem to see juices flowing out of the meat as a whole as it is squished while the fork pokes into the meat. This being from compression rather than

I really quite enjoyed the game a lot. I was a little annoyed that the time progression towards the end of the game jumped massively between certain quest points (make sure you look up what quest locks you into the final sequences.)

Yes, "just swipe up", or, with a mouse, click on a button that brings the apps list. Or, as AustinGuy2 said, just type the name of the program. Windows 8 is ridiculously easy to use for most of the use cases that people complain about. How much simpler can opening a program be that pinning it to a curated list of

Donnie Darko Bunny?


