
The series is an okay but hacky fantasy series that really leaned into a lot of modern fantasy tropes. I found it generally flat and predictable. It really reads like it was churned out quickly.

I feel the same way on both accounts. One of my previous jobs was in an office with a really nice water cooler setup. I made it a point to stand up, get some water, and grab a short walk regularly. I'm also a huge fan of carbonated water now and it really does give a good feeling of variety.

Actually, I have been researching using the Oculus Rift as a tool for her. I am going to school for electrical engineering and have made it my mission to help her see better. Will this happen...not sure, but I will damn sure try! lol. Thinking of using small mounted cameras, a battery pack, a small computer to run

I'd love to see Paper come to any other platform than iOS....

Oh ok, just curious. I was an exchange student over therea while ago, and also noticed the lack of AC in general. Not that german summers are that horribly hot, but Im from alaska where the summers are even less so.

Boy, I used a lot of words to say "don't like it, don't buy it"


Agreed. I've probably been in hundreds of public restrooms over my life, and only about a handful of them were actually in gross condition

I hate public restrooms. Yes I always feel so dirty after I use them (and only ever feel comfortable doing my business when I am in the comfort of my own home). And yes, there are basic hygienic techniques that one must teach their little ones. And yes, there are situations in which I feel hand sanitizer are an

I agree, this seems more about the misgivings and paranoia of a few. Most public bathrooms (by which I mean the ones in establishments, malls, stores, etc) are cleaned regularly.

This seems extreme and seems to ignore that exposure to everyday germs is actually good for kids. As a matter of fact, studies have proven allergies are fewer in kids who are exposed to more dirt. That said, just wash the kid's hands and have some hand sanitizer for after you've touched the door to leave.