
The series is an okay but hacky fantasy series that really leaned into a lot of modern fantasy tropes. I found it generally flat and predictable. It really reads like it was churned out quickly.

The thing is, how many of these are throwaway accounts? I remember after the Adobe hack, there was a lot of talk of bad passwords being used there. Yeah, but if they had to sign up for an account to get a trial piece of software, they used set up a throwaway account, and using a simple password.

Quite good! And with a number of interesting developments as the series stretched on.

I do “believe what happens next!” Especially since there is a video of it! Please don’t turn into buzzfeed gizmodo, stay away from clickbait titles...

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I’m always reminded of this guy when it comes to compositions using random sounds...

Nobody is going to stop piracy by releasing material on 1 platform and refusing to take money for their works via more reasonable means.

Ok, to clear a little bit of this so it’s not a complete freak out. This WiFi Sense has been known about for a while now and has been in various tech preview builds. Plus Windows Phone. Second thing is that WiFi networks are not shared by default. I just checked this on my Surface Pro 3. The WiFi Sense service is

Hey, man, no Game of Thrones spoilers.

Every single time a new instalment in the series came out, I had to re-read from the very beginning. Which basically means that this is the book I've read the most by default.

Including Mostly Harmless, the criminally underrated book where Aurthur spends almost the whole time making sandwiches.

Probably either Dune, Harry Potter, or Hitchhikers Guide.

I feel the same way on both accounts. One of my previous jobs was in an office with a really nice water cooler setup. I made it a point to stand up, get some water, and grab a short walk regularly. I'm also a huge fan of carbonated water now and it really does give a good feeling of variety.

I couldn't stop reading the Lives of Tao! And after a short trip to the bookstore, I loved the Deaths of Tao too. Those were really interesting books, and I hope to read more from Wesley Chu in the (near) future.

I would highly recommend Dresden Files, because it's an amazing series. The show didn't do it justice, but was enjoyable in its own way.


Good thing I didn't want to know what city this is or what building they climbed...

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Why not post the explanation video as well?

I'm told there are dentists that have TVs on the ceiling and nitrous on tap. Yet, I never see these dentists in real life…

...your dentist doesn't have one of those suction tubes to get all the saliva?