How so? They want Windows 8 and Windows Phone to succeed. For that to happen, they need to bring more, better apps to the system. The more exclusives the better. This is like saying Microsoft is dooming itself by making Halo exclusive to the Xbox.
How so? They want Windows 8 and Windows Phone to succeed. For that to happen, they need to bring more, better apps to the system. The more exclusives the better. This is like saying Microsoft is dooming itself by making Halo exclusive to the Xbox.
Same here. (Though with the 920 and a surface). I am quite happy in the windows ecosystem except when it comes to games. It is about time microsoft started leveraging their gaming power behind Xbox to bring exclusives to Windows 8/WP8.
Are most canned fruits not also packed with added sugars, though? I ask legitimately: I don't know. (And don't feel like looking it up)
My roommate throughout college had this problem... We would often play Mario Kart 64 with other friends and it would get quite competitive. He had to keep paper towels or something next to his chair so that he could dry his hands every so often when the controller would get too slippery. They would sweat so much it…
This is more the topic I expected/would have been interested in reading about. Though I do not have kids, I have wondered about the etiquette of taking children to bathrooms of the opposite sex. When does it stop being OK to take a boy into the women's restroom, for example?
Go to Germany. You have to pay at most places (50 cents is common), but the public restrooms are generally quite clean!
As a male that has very often had to use public restrooms for more than just going to the urinal, I have dealt with very many toilet seats in public restrooms. Yes, they can be awful, but then you deal with that when it comes—not for every single restroom.
This seems less an article about dealing with kids needing to go to the bathroom than simply an article saying: "Germs are everywhere. DON'T TOUCH THINGS."
Started playing with it for a bit for German. It is quite good overall, but there are definitely things that simply sound a bit off. Definitely is not the equivalent of a class, but still a nice tool.
It is rather hard for me to define whether my answer is truly "yes" or not, but I would say "mostly".
Having recently (about 8 months ago) moved from a small town in the US to Berlin, Germany where I had no contacts whatsoever, I can certainly echo to advice in the article. I have met many people through sites similar to Meetup. The internet is such a great tool for meeting people—some people that also know almost no…
I have used a mixture, but primarily stick with SMS. SMS simlply ends up being more reliable in terms of notifying me that I have a message than many other services. I also spend a decent amount of time going in and out of the subway, so will have periods of time where I have fine phone signal, but no internet.
I generally ask questions of people as well in an attempt to find the thing that they are passionate about. Once you find that, conversation gets very easy.
Can't say my go to look (or any clothes I wear) are anything like yours, but I can certainly relate. I don't have a too well defined sense of style, so get lost on the third prong... fit is definitely extremely important, though.
Will do so when I get a chance and email the app support email, if that works.
I'm a professional Web/UX Designer and absolutely prefer windows. More than half of my work at the moment is in graphics based programs (photoshop, illustrator, etc) and I can completely agree with the complaints voiced here. I truly find that the Macbook that I was given at work consistently has problems with running…
I am an avid windows user as well—including tablet (with surface RT) and phone (WP8 and a WP7 before it), but have to use a macbook pro at work. Have been doing so for about 8 months now, but still get annoyed daily at the little things that just are more difficult with OSX.
I really don't find most of these odd as much as just funny. I can see how trying to be too funny might confuse people that don't speak the language well, but it is all perfectly clear if you do...
I can completely agree with all of that. My issues was with the "I see colors" bit, which has basically no value... My question was more to what age of child this was geared toward. Because at a certain age (depending on the kid) you are going to need to do more than point out that you see colors.
I will second that.