
Will post pictures of my dogs at every chance I get...

Appreciate the link—hate seeing the "not available in your country" message! Love the look of the film.

Can't with surface RT, though. Nor is it the software for WP8 syncing, which is too bad. Still use it on my PC, but would be nice to see MS take a step forward rather than a step back in terms of the music software.

I am quite a fan of MS's latest offerings (and use primarily a surface and WP8), but the browser app is pretty lacking. It seems rather unfinished at this point. Shuffle, for example, seems to be missing (or maybe I am missing it?). But as a companion to the w8/wp8 apps it is quite fine.

Was really excited when I found the Office web apps. I use skydrive a lot because it works out of the box with my windows phone and w8 hardware. Love that they are integrating it even more with w8.1.

Vote: Skydrive

Under settings is a little odd for a power button, but once you know it is there it makes it pretty quick to use. I think they were hoping that actually shutting down a PC would become less and less useful. Certainly true for RT, where the battery lasts so long.

I have a surface RT and shutting down is a simple swipe to the charms > settings > power. Then you get an option to shut-down or restart.

This was one that a friend went on and on about until we finally found a copy at a blockbuster (haha, blockbuster...). We watched it and all questioned what he had been talking about. It was entertaining, but often in a so-ridiculous-it-is-funny way.

Would love to know what answering "angry monkey" would say about me, in that case!

Even after reading that this is supposed to be the dog burying poop, I still think it looks more like an angry monkey doing a handstand...

This often happens to me, too. Luckily many of the people I know here speak both languages that I do, so I can just throw in whatever random words from German or English that I want.

The same happens to me a lot, too. It also means I suck at translating (on-the-fly). People will ask me to translate and, while I will perfectly understand it, I won't be able to express it in the other language. I feel particularly stupid when coworkers ask me for the English word for something and I can't give it to

I hate this feeling. I find it happening more and more often after I moved from the US to Germany and use English less often. I went from being able to speak one language well and another poorly to being mediocre at two languages.

I can't think of a time when I have reacted that strongly (or at least that LOUDLY) to anything... I think that may just mean that I live a sad, unexciting life, though ;)

Yes... I think this is partly also simply because it is giving the juices already on top of the steak a depressed area in which to pool. But I say we both keep forks away from our cooking steaks anyway, if only for our mental health.

The main reason I never like to use a fork to flip isn't because I expect giant rivulets of juice to come flowing out of the holes I just poked, but because I always seem to see juices flowing out of the meat as a whole as it is squished while the fork pokes into the meat. This being from compression rather than

I really quite enjoyed the game a lot. I was a little annoyed that the time progression towards the end of the game jumped massively between certain quest points (make sure you look up what quest locks you into the final sequences.)

I think you probably single-handedly doubled (at least) the amount of people who will now image-search this with that comment. I wasn't going to, but then I read your comment and thought, "Well now I have to."

Agreed. I think they may be seeing Samsung's success and the way that Android is overtaking iOS (at least in most markets) and are to compete by copying (the business model, I mean).