
As much as I think many people would really like an iPhone with a larger screen, I do feel like Apple's model has helped pull devs to create apps for the platform over Android. When you are guaranteed a relatively static platform for which to develop, that is hugely helpful. Adding many more sizes and form-factors

Optical zoom certainly is nice, but, with Nokia#s oversampling and lossless digital zoom tech, it doesn't seem like it would do too much to overthrow the 808/EOS anyway. And, even if it were the same size as the 808/EOS, the form of it means that it wouldn't sit very comfortably in the pocket.

Am very curious as well. I would doubt that it does, but that thing looks very chunky. Chunkier than the 808 was and far more than the leaked EOS. I would happily trade my 920 for the EOS, but this thing just looks like a rather skinny point and shoot from about 8 years ago.

Though I have no interest in getting an iPhone, I am really interested to see what they come up with (as a designer). I am not impressed if this is actually what it looks like. Given that it is a mockup based on a rumoured sighting, though, I will have to wait and see.

Dogs, at least, are rather highly trainable... hence their being used for hunting for many thousands of years. But yes, that would be quite the comical outcome (and possible, too, if done poorly).

Yes, "just swipe up", or, with a mouse, click on a button that brings the apps list. Or, as AustinGuy2 said, just type the name of the program. Windows 8 is ridiculously easy to use for most of the use cases that people complain about. How much simpler can opening a program be that pinning it to a curated list of

Absolutely yes. Exactly my thoughts. I have a 920 and will consider selling it off in order to buy this phone. And the 920 was the first phone I have ever bought off contract (and that was because I was moving to a new country).

I've heard conflicting things about this. I believe, however, the overall consensus as of my last reading was that you can hide it in desktop mode.

The addition of being able to use the desktop background in the metro UI as well is a much bigger feature than it sounds, I think. Specifically for people that are new to the OS, it could really help bridge the gap between the two sides of the OS...

This is the desktop version of Outlook—i.e. the one in the Office suite. Allows for more specific controls of email that is lacking in the Metro UI version.

As someone that has had a Surface + touch cover since launch, I am glad to see this. It isn't often that I need those functions, but I have run into it often enough that it will be good to have the option.

Donnie Darko Bunny?




That was hardly the point of the article. This doesn't look like a great piece of hardware. There are many of Windows 8 tablets already out there that simply aren't great pieces of hardware. But there are many that are.

How so? They want Windows 8 and Windows Phone to succeed. For that to happen, they need to bring more, better apps to the system. The more exclusives the better. This is like saying Microsoft is dooming itself by making Halo exclusive to the Xbox.

Same here. (Though with the 920 and a surface). I am quite happy in the windows ecosystem except when it comes to games. It is about time microsoft started leveraging their gaming power behind Xbox to bring exclusives to Windows 8/WP8.

Are most canned fruits not also packed with added sugars, though? I ask legitimately: I don't know. (And don't feel like looking it up)

My first thought when reading this as well. I'll admit to being a bit of a fanboy, but with the way Nokia is focusing on imaging, including buying up/into imaging start-ups, I can definitely see them being extremely interested in this.