
Was wondering if there was some way of doing that, but I think not. I actually rather like this idea even if you don't share it. Keeps one half from going flat so quickly. Sure, I could just buy the mini cans, but that isn't as fun now is it?

My roommate throughout college had this problem... We would often play Mario Kart 64 with other friends and it would get quite competitive. He had to keep paper towels or something next to his chair so that he could dry his hands every so often when the controller would get too slippery. They would sweat so much it

I never really bothered with cloud storage until getting introduced to Skydrive with windows phone then windows 8. Dropbox and all the others simply didn't integrate themselves as well. Completely agree that Skydrive is one of the biggest successes for MS recently. Has huge potential moving forward to help define

This is more the topic I expected/would have been interested in reading about. Though I do not have kids, I have wondered about the etiquette of taking children to bathrooms of the opposite sex. When does it stop being OK to take a boy into the women's restroom, for example?

Go to Germany. You have to pay at most places (50 cents is common), but the public restrooms are generally quite clean!

As a male that has very often had to use public restrooms for more than just going to the urinal, I have dealt with very many toilet seats in public restrooms. Yes, they can be awful, but then you deal with that when it comes—not for every single restroom.

There are also larger tiles, too. Originally I think it was supposed to be reserved just for the desktop app, but the weather app in the screenshot says otherwise..

I've taken part in a number of MS's software previews... would like to try this one out as well. Do you know if the preview will extend to RT devices? My primary laptop is still running 7, but would love to try the updates on my surface.

From what I read elsewhere (I think either wpcentral or paul thurrott's site), the start menu can be added or removed. It also seemed to hint that it would disappear/remain dynamically based on use (but could, of course, be configured by the user).

Live tiles are great, but sometimes you just want more apps listed on screen at once... In the end I am just for greater configurability (but not forced configurability). Simplicity, but with configurability there if you want it.

Very true, but I am curious whether people will adapt well enough. From what I have read, the start menu can be configured to open either the metro tile screen or the app drawer. The app drawer will also have an on-screen search field, I believe, and the apps can be reconfigured (not just listed alphabetically).

This seems less an article about dealing with kids needing to go to the bathroom than simply an article saying: "Germs are everywhere. DON'T TOUCH THINGS."

Hooray for smaller sized tiles. Was glad to see them in WP8 and happy that they will be included here, too.

Started playing with it for a bit for German. It is quite good overall, but there are definitely things that simply sound a bit off. Definitely is not the equivalent of a class, but still a nice tool.

I was actually the only one in my group that didn't like Watchmen. Everyone else loved it. They didn't convince me it was good, though... I still dislike it.

Eh. Yes and no. Some can land themselves. Those that can require varying amounts of input from the pilot.

Agreed. It is nice having two pilots, but I would be fine flying with just one. As you said, most planes can already pretty much fly themselves.

Just cover up the camera. Or stick it back behind the Xbox where it can't do anything, but leave it plugged in. Sure, there may be some functions that require it, but there are probably many more that don't. Just because it has to be plugged in an on for the X1 to work, doesn't mean it actually will always have to see

Honestly, as little as I used the kinect for gaming, seeing what they were going to do for Kinect 2 was what I was most excited about for the reveal. This is truly truly amazing tech. I can't imagine what awesome things hackers will be able to do with this version.

Probably a safe bet that Kinect 2.0 will work much better in smaller environments. If not for every game, then probably still for most of the connected tech (basic gesture controls, voice integration). As much as I think talking to my phone is a waste of time, talking to my xbox actually has been really useful and