
I am very slightly wary of it, but have used aribnb three times, twice renting the entire apartment, and once renting a room. The person renting the place has to approve you (I talked to the guy some over the internet—we both wanted to make sure the other wasn't crazy). You also get ratings from renters/rentees. It

Depends on who else is in the compartment with you :P But riding the U-Bahn can be rather relaxing at times.

Hahaha, yes... sans guys playing either "The Saints go marching in" or "Hit the road Jack" ...Every single time.

It is honestly so similar that I feel like that must be the case... I have spent too much time staring at the walls in those subway cars to not recognize it, haha.

Almost exactly the same as some of Berlin's older subways. Sans advertisement and graffiti.

The North Korea subway is actually extremely like some of the older ones in Berlin. Specifically the (fake) wood paneling, the way the bars are spaced and connected together. Even the windows. The only real difference is the lack of ads/posters/graffiti.. There are even the spaces for the ads... Odd.

From what I have seen, it looks like Blue, or 8.1 as it is now, also did a lot to move more power to the metro interface. One of the annoyances I have with the surface RT is that, to change certain settings, I have to go to the desktop interface. I would be very happy if I never had to leave the Metro side of things

It is rather hard for me to define whether my answer is truly "yes" or not, but I would say "mostly".

I seem to recall it having issues with certain Android phones at one point, but am not sure if that has since been fixed. It also doesn't always present exact 1:1 comparison apps, but generally sounded like it worked well. I have yet to find any apps that I would really care for that are missing from the store other

Now playing

As before, I believe the rumors about the aluminum bodied device were largely pointing to a different one code-named Catwalk (not the 928). This is the one that is expected to be announced on the 14th (along with possible others).

Were I still in the U.S. and on Verizon, I would be so ecstatic to see this coming to VZW. It is a really important move for Nokia, too. I can say that I love my 920 (and don't mind the heft at all), so would definitely suggest the 928 since it seems to just be a slightly better version.

For most things, the app selection is more than adequate. And first-party app support is growing very quickly recently (we have seen updated twitter, youtube, facebook apps and instagram looks possible soon). Many games are missing/arrive late, but even this has been picking up recently. Kyle's description was pretty

30% actually seems a bit low to me... But I never bother turning anything off. I will switch my phone to airplane mode, but that is pretty much it.

Unless it has changed, the trial version is actually the full, free version. You only pay if you want to.

The wings on that thing look insanely small...

Saw this headline and wanted to say exactly the same thing. Metrotube is a fantastic (and free) app that, I think, is one of the best WP8 apps in the store.

Knoxville (TN)

Completely agreed that it has quite a learning curve. And that the more "advanced" actions are often rather less than straightforward. I see this as a failure on Microsoft's part to move more to the Metro environment, which they seem to be trying to fix with Blue. As you say, it often becomes just a pretty skin rather

How so? It can't be considered a great success, but I would not label it a failure. They are trying to sell something that is a huge departure from their past products. I see this as promise that people are willing to give it a try, if nothing else.

I believe the aluminum case rumors were pointing to a different device (the catwalk), not the 928—would be surprised if this were not just a white device pictured.