
You state above that if someone knows who you are in real life, you are going to act as you would in real life (and you have said that you don't act this way in real life). Given that, is the only thing preventing you from acting this way in order to further your own goals the lack of complete anonymity in real life?

That was great; he is such an amazingly charismatic speaker.

Same here. Am a big fan of Adam Savage as well.

Was curious how they were doing that, but got distracted when I discovered they are using a table for layout. I think you are great, Microsoft, and your design is becoming pretty fantastic, but tables?

Wasn't trying to troll, your argument simply didn't have any logic behind it. Just because we give children (not babies) milk, doesn't mean it is healthy for them. We give children McDonalds—that doesn't mean we should.

Now you have made me use google, because that didn't sound right. Anyway, from http://lifehacker.com/5847821/how-to-create-animated-cinemagraphs:

Put the fat back in: fat, sugar water. This does not sound more appealing.


Because we give it to them. Your argument is invalid.

Fat is good. Sometimes.

I use skim because it is the lesser evil, to my taste-buds. Even 2% just tastes worse and has a too-thick consistency for me. It has little to do with the actual percentage of fat—I don't really care, especially in the quantities that I have it.

I would happily eat eggs for breakfast everyday, but, despite the fact that making them is almost no work, I still am unwilling to cook at 6:30 am (and, more importantly, create yet more dirty dishes to clean). Cereal is purely a breakfast of convenience.

It is more about the time required for anything else in the morning. I am too lazy to prepare something the night before and taking the time to make any real food for breakfast is even more of an unlikelihood. I would avoid breakfast completely, if it didn't make waiting for my lunch hour that much more unbearable.

Babies have vastly different dietary needs than adults...

I am immensely glad to hear that the showing went well. I am a huge fan of Martin Freeman and if he does well in this role it will pretty much cement him on my list of man-crushes (along with Neil DeGrasse Tyson). My dad read The Hobbit to me when I was about 6 and I have read it numerous times since then. I can't

Would these not be considered cinemegraphs, given that only a portion of the photo is animated? Or do I have the definition mixed up (though I suppose cinemegraphs would likely be output as gifs...)?

I'm rather anti-milk as well, also because of taste. I have skim milk often with cereal, but don't do it for health reasons (because really, what else am I going to do for breakfast in the morning?).

Thanks for reposting this, LifeHacker. Love SmashingMagazine and the content of this article is pretty great.

This made my hopes for the movie jump up an immense amount. Fassbender is one of my favorites at the moment as well.

Agreed. I listen to it weekly via podcast on my way to work.