
Absolutely agreed.

All of my uncomfortable urinal experiences have been in Germany. The worst being a cleaning lady standing in the middle of the bathroom while an old man chose the urinal right beside me (with 6 other free urinals). Instant paruresis.

No. iPhone has a higher peak brightness, but loses the other tests. And in terms of how well you can see these displays outside, reflectance and contrast and likely the more important readings.

Agreed. I love having movies available to stream on Netflix, but if it is something I really care about I am going to buy it on blu-ray.

I didn't know Harry Potter worked on the Manhattan Project. Science IS magic.

Any decent web dev will use the generic css as well as the -webkit-/-moz- css if it exists. Doing otherwise is just lazy.

Agreed. IE9 usually only requires minor tweaks, but 7 and 8 are constant thorns in my side. It is still leagues behind designing for Chrome or Firefox.

Makes you wonder how many were sitting on highways with speed guns trying to pull in some revenue at the time... Not the greatest system, in my opinion.

I certainly wasn't imagining old wooden lifeboats, rather the modern kind. Not inflatable rafts though.

That was my thought... Where are they going to put the greater number of lifeboats? My guess would be, however, that the ship will have far fewer people... (turn the crappy tiny compartments into somewhat nicer ones, thus making everything much more pleasant and requiring fewer lifeboats).

My thoughts exactly. The assumptions they are talking about—that life should exist on planets like earth—don't make it any less likely that extraterrestrial life exists; rather that it is possible that it exists on even more types of planets than where we are currently looking. It is rather ridiculous, from a purely

Indeed. My friends TV does this. He had on Return of the King one day (on TV in HD); it just looked wrong and crappy. I am getting rather worried now.

It seems basically no one commenting on this article bothered to read anything about it.

I see. I know a friend that uses it daily and has said it has acted a bit strange a few times, but I wasn't aware it was that bad.

I'm not sure it is broken as much as it is just lacking. It definitely is lacking some critical apps and I would definitely like to see a more integrated facebook experience (though I don't really hate the facebook app. I actually like it better than the android one).

Agreed. I meant more that there is generally a lot more grinding in MMO's.

I have to disagree with most of the points you make. You seem to have played Skyrim as if it were a list of tasks in a vacuum completely devoid of context and story. I, and I would imagine many other people, play games not just to complete meaningless virtual tasks in order to claim a reward, but to take part in a

I played it for quite a bit when it first came out. Then again when mines of moria hit (which was a great expansion IMO). Thought it was certainly better than WoW as well. And the lore/story behind it made it even better. I tried it again when it went F2P, but didn't really like the system.

That explains why dubstep makes me want to rip my hair out!

I'm 22 and remember it quite well. The noise it made when it connected will forever be etched in my memory. I even remember when we first got cable.