
The background of the title image just looks like the legs of a half-buried giant spider to me. Perhaps it has something to do with playing Skyrim today...

I really want this phone. And have wanted this phone for a long time. But I am tied to Verizon. Yes, it is great that this phone costs $0 if I could switch! Hooray! But I can't. And, I would guess, a lot of people can't just see a beautiful phone and simply switch carriers. This is the problem I have with phones. It

Why exactly are they looking at mummies to find why we are fat now? Do they have some reason to believe that people in ancient times would have been able to eat and behave like we do and not be fat?

Indeed. Depending on the pay/terms of this, I don't see it as any different than those sign-spinning people, or anyone else that serves as walking advertisement. Not to mention booth-babes, whom, one could claim, companies pay to be ogled.

Search is one of the charms on the right. I would be willing to bet there is also some sort of keystroke that will start up search—pretty sure that they are pushing it way more than they have in previous versions of windows.

Absolutely. I was on the verge of laughing (happily) throughout the entire video—Jörg is too happy and awesome to not make you smile.

Perhaps it is due to my enjoyment of the n64 pod racing game, but the pod racing looks like it could actually be enjoyable. That said, this should really not be a game. Cut off all the different mini-games and sell them as such through the arcade. Or just pick one and actually make it good (except the dancing one).

I love my Zune HD. Was very happy when they went that direction with wp7 (software) but people forget what a nice piece of hardware the HD is. Was very sad when they killed it. I have no idea what I am going to do when mine dies—just not have a PMP anymore, probably.

Very interesting take. I'm a wp7 user, so it was instantly familiar to me. I quite like it, particularly if you were going to market yourself as a wp7 dev.

Not bad. I would suggest a smaller image tiled for the background, though, as I saw some lag in loading the current one (my work connection is rather slow, so it is probably not a big issue). I use [www.stripegenerator.com] for easy striped backgrounds.

Many thanks. I started more from the design side and learned the development out of necessity, so jQuery is a wonderful thing for me. Fancybox is probably the easiest to use of the lightbox-style plug-ins—great tool.

I am self-taught and know where you are coming from. Once you learn it though, it is a great language (and really pretty easy, imo). I would be happy to help if you ever need it—just shoot me an email (found on the site). I was lucky enough to find someone that would look over my code and offer advice when I first

I would say it is only really something to have in the tech field. Particularly web dev/design—proof of coding/design abilities. It is basically an online resume; doesn't hurt for any profession, necessary for some.

An old (read horribly coded) landing page. [robsawyer.me] ...Don't click if you have a slow connection or are on mobile. Looks pretty... A much needed update is ongoing, eclipsed by more important projects.

I actually had three different ones. Each had slightly different problems, but by the third I just gave up and waited out the contract.

I loved my OG Droid for approximately the first 6 months of our relationship. Around the 6 month mark, things started to go to hell. It would randomly decide that, no, that call isn't important and I don't need to ring or notify you that you missed it. Also, some text messages it would decide were also not at all

The SuperBowl already takes forever to watch.

I am always dissapointed by the lack of German audio on most American movies, but there certainly are some. Most of the Harry Potter blu-rays have German audio as a choice (though not all, I am really not sure why), so I always watch them in German. You can also find quite a few German movies in the states (then just

I was just wondering the same thing—I am definitely a compulsive leg-jiggler.

Indeed. Next up, we need an article about "How to get your friends to look their best when you attempt to take good photos of them." It is amazingly hard to get candid pictures of people. Take the lens cap off of a camera and everyone turns into deer and your camera into a pair of super bright headlights.