
As others said above, there are still things missing from IE9 in terms of support. It also is pretty lacking in the add-ons/plug-ins communities that Firefox and Chrome have. But there are things missing in Chrome and Firefox as well. IE9 is still missing quite a few CSS3 components—but it is alright.

I am a web developer and I would say that, as a whole, a large amount of the hate stems from us. IE9 is actually considerably (very very very VERY considerably) better from a development point of view than any previous version of internet explorer, but the hate still remains.

Thank you very much! That was all very helpful! I was hoping to avoid just going over there and searching for a period of time (since I have a steady job now... and would like to avoid being unemployed for very long) but more and more it seems like that is what I will have to do. I was completely unaware of the issue

Have had that suggested as a possibility before, but wasn't really able to find much... Any tips on where to look for such things? I am really just looking to get some work experience (just recently graduated) so I am not too tied down to web/graphic design.. Thanks for the help!

Any help/advice for finding work in Germany (from the U.S.)? I currently work in Web/Graphic design (and frontend web development) and have BA's in German Studies and Urban Studies (spent time abroad studying in Berlin, would very much like to go back). I am trying to find something similar to what I am currently

I can deal with the camera on my Trophy... What I want is better battery life. Mine gets to 15% (and thus turns on battery saver mode) after a day far too often.

I was holding out as well because I am also on Verizon... but with my OG Droid basically useless for months (and having been eligible for an upgrade for a couple months as well) I finally just took the leap and grabbed the HTC Trophy... didn't want an iPhone and was sick of Android and all the problems that went with

Most games have never really given me problems. I can play halo for very long periods of time without feeling sick... Bur when I first played Mirror's Edge...

As a web designer/developer, I too was extremely please when I read the headline.

I have to say that some of this info is pretty obvious (people who study abroad are people that want to work abroad, etc), but the rest of it is interesting.

They should do this with Papyrus.

Exactly my thoughts on the illusion. My mind is measuring the end of the lines based on where the arrow intersects the line—by which measurement the lines are actually different lengths.

THPS 1 (for n64) was excellent. And this was by far the best song in the game. Psychovision comes in second for pure ridiculosity (Tell me what you want to hear / I hear it all with my ear).

@fuzzy @archer75

Does anyone know exactly how this will work? I was under the impression that none of this would be available unless you had a cable subscription through specific providers... but this is leading me to believe that at least some of this will be available regardless of the cable provider. Can anyone confirm this?

I was in the preview program and can say that pure Kinect control is pretty great. There are still the same occasional issues with voice not working correctly, but overall it is pretty great (and motion control feels really good, when you want to use it). With the preview, however, we didn't see any of the newer apps

I left for your numbers 1,3,4, and 5.

My first thought as well. IE9 is better... but it does little to alleviate the pain of fixing websites for 7 and 8 (forget 6). I wouldn't mind IE so much if people just updated it. As it is, however, I dearly hope it dies.

There could be much better utilization of live tiles IMO. The idea is pretty great, but not enough apps utilize it yet. However, you don't have to delve very deeply to get to information. For example, I use the WP7 onenote to create my shopping/todo lists (with nice little check boxes) and simply pin it to the start

I have to say that, given that almost everyone that I know know nothing about WP7—something that would be hard to say for android phones (given the tv spots and overall number of phones on the market) and even harder to say for the iphone (you must live under a very large rock to avoid being bludgeoned by apple