
I'm just going to go ahead and blame you, along with Lucas (mostly just Lucas though...) for all of this, then. Though I have turned into a bit of an HD snob, my hatred of the altered Star Wars is still more powerful.

Honestly, I would search around and find an unaltered set of the originals. The prequels come on tv occasionally... which is more often than I would want to watch them. But I don't really care about the extras for most movies.

Agreed. Sir Ian and Sir Patrick go just about hand in hand as my favorites. (Which makes it so very disappointing that the X-men movies turned out as they did, with such an amazing casting for Magneto and Prof. X).

This looks excellent to me. I am still unsure about the dual-OS system (but overall, especially on non-tablet type PC's, I am sure I will be glad the Windows 7-type OS is included).

I really hope they don't lag behind on wp7... As I recall, they were a bit behind of t-mobile/sprint on adoption of Android. Now Android is supersaturating the market with Verizon at the forefront. Here's hoping that Verizon gets at least one decent Mango release soon—my OG droid has long since ceased to work properly

I have a feeling this is doom spelled out for my hopes that Verizon will get a nice, high-end wp7 phone this fall.

Yes. There isn't enough education as to what exactly "global warming" is referring to. It does not mean that everywhere is getting warmer. Sadly I can't remember the more "correct" (by which I mean literal) name for it, but it refers to the fact that the warming is no necessarily occurring all over the globe, rather

I would have to agree. It is a laptop I would love to own (though I would rather have a higher resolution screen, mostly because it is what I am used to), but can't see many people going for that price.

"As an early Droid 1 adopter, whose phone is now schizophrenic and on life-support, I have been waiting [...]"

I've been contemplating the jump to WP7 for a while now, but have been waiting out my contract. It just ended two days ago and I am really impatient to see what Mango phones are coming out. I'm on Verizon and really want something better than the Trophy.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I am really very intrigued, however.

My mother always told me to do this in order to keep the spoons/forks from nesting thus preventing them from getting clean. This makes some sense to me, as the useful ends of the silverware would have more room to spread out when not crowded into the bottom of the plastic inserts.

When will Verizon get some WP7 love? I am dying to get rid of my extremely messed up OG Droid (froyo killed it, this is my third one now) and want more choice than just the Trophy.

I got mine, realized I needed to put it on top of my TV and grabbed two command strips (bottom of the kinect to the top of the TV). Works perfectly.

I couldn't help thinking of the TNG "Evolution" in which Wesley's school project (consisting of nanites) gets loose and starts devouring part of the enterprise's engines.

I don't even know the utility of them; do they have a use?

Thank you for that.

I read your post and, halfway through, I thought, "This is exactly why I cancelled my cable." Then you wrote it.

... I watched this. I don't think there are words to describe it.