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    The “up to” is reference to Sony’s marketing, not Microsoft. Sony could drop the total number of games to 1 and it’s still legal. Also, Sony hasn’t announced any concrete plans on how often new games will be added.

    SM64 was shut down. Ate a C&D within a month and most sites took it down, as did YouTube. IT shifted to pirate sites to stay alive.

    They tried this trick before with SM64, it becomes a Trademark violation instead of a Copyright violation. Still goes down. Also, since it’s virtually impossible to own a legal Rom of LoZ, it can become a copyright violation again.

    Your reading comprehension is poor isn’t it?
    The federal mask mandate on public transportation was set to expire last Friday, March 18th. Earlier last week, the Transportation Security Administration extended the mask mandate until April 18th.”
    Ta da.

    He didn’t do any of the code on X.Com. He’s claimed it several times and every time the other 3 people who did shoot him down.
    “X.com was co-founded by Elon Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne, and Ed Ho”
    The other 3 have said multiple times he was just the money guy. He coded large parts of Zip2, which after it was

    Didn’t Dark Souls 3 have a horrible PC port at launch but eventually the modding community fixed it and the developer just absorbed their fix and called it their own?


    Except Sony was anti-crossplay LONG before that. It’s rumored that one of the reasons Xbox never got FFXIV is because Sony threatened to lock PS players to servers where Xbox players weren’t allowed. Multiple devs for quite a while are quoted as having said “Sony won’t allow it”.

    They don’t have to. He’s damaging the game code and getting around copy protection and other security built into it without permission. That’s a clear violation of the DMCA and he can be sued for that.
    They also only have to prove that they MIGHT have lost customers from what he’s doing, and that what he’s doing is

    What did you expect from the most evil character in Nintendo history?

    Why in god’s name would Nintendo let Sony, a rival in the industry, make a profit off their game? There’s no way that makes sense. No one is watching Evo and going “Well, now I need a switch to play smash!” No. the people who watch Evo are people who know the games already. The only one who makes money off Evo is Evo,

    Don’t even have to go that far.
    Evo 2019: Evo made the profits from the event.
    Evo 2022: Sony makes the profits from the event.
    Nintendo has no reason to let Sony profit off its stuff.

    Or making YouTube videos telling people how to do it.

    Then was does every Canada based website when you look up “illegal jailbreak Canada” go: “Yup, it’s illegal?” Apple took a couple of people to court in Canada just to prove jailbreaking is illegal there.

    Nintendo v Atari (Tengen was owned by Atari) was 1992. The DMCA was 2000 and changed the law, making the point in the Nintendo v Tengen moot. Congress went out of its way, driven by the video game, music and movie industry, to specifically close that legal option. Since the Nintendo v Atari case never made it to the

    Still no, but if you ask the FBI, they might. Unlikely, but it’s most under their domain, that or the Justice Department.

    Sony still effectively removed the ability to buy from those stores. You have to load the money into your account via a PS4/PS5 then go back and use that wallet on your PS3 or Vita. No one is going to do it and they know it.
    At least Nintendo came out and said “No more buying, but you can still download all your stuff”

    But also to be perfectly fair, legacy software apparently doesn’t sell very well on Nintendo platforms (of course, what we’re discussing is a big part of why...)“
    We actually aren’t. The biggest reason is piracy. So many of the old games have been emulated to death, or stuck on those “600+ game” fake

    Did you not see Sony claim it was going to close the PS3 and Vita stores and not even allow you to download stuff you already bought after that happened until people complained? Nintendo learned from that, they’re shutting down the ability to buy from the shops, but not the ability to download what you already own.