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    Years ago I did a public playtest for Microsoft (they do them now and then in the Seattle area, where they just bring in people from the public to try something then get opinions). I spent the entire 3 hours playing a PS2 exclusive. Then was shown a short trailer for a proposed Xbox game and asked if I’d play it.

    Is it just me, or does everyone not realize that Chocobo GP is a sequel to the PS1 game Chocobo Racing?

    Yup. Not to mention Vince tearing BOTH quads trying to get into the ring to yell at Batista and Cena, Sid snapping his leg clean in two trying to jump off the top rope, Sting tearing his quad after a missed kick on Ric Flair, Andre the Giant breaking his ankle getting out of bed (but his is a bit understandable), and

    I can name a few pro wrestlers who’ve had injures this stupid.
    Randy Orton did it doing his “mat pound” before an RKO.
    Sami Zayn did it bad enough to require surgery raising his hand before a match with John Cena.

    That’s not what the judge said though, she said that Epic didn’t bring enough evidence of a monopoly, not that Apple isn’t one.
    The final trial record did not include evidence of other critical factors, such as barriers to entry and conduct decreasing output or decreasing innovation in the relevant market. The Court

    He walked into a public men’s restroom at a con and started filming. He caught lots of adult age people and at least 1 underage person. He had permission to show exactly zero of those people. The fact that charges were never pressed boggles the mind.

    It’s not the responsibility of a company to make people go out and get help with gambling addictions. Otherwise there would be no casinos at all, and they certainly wouldn’t be allowed to advertise (where I live, they do so heavily). Like it or not, its the responsibility of the person with the addiction to go out and

    Might not work. The old version on disc (I found mine awhile ago) don’t work right with NTFS of all things. Ended up getting it again on Steam.

    The code for the Xbox Seagate drive is expired. They changed it to

    The code for the Xbox Seagate drive is expired. They changed it to

    It won’t. It was never supposed to.

    Believe someone posted an email they got form Nintendo noting that the code was supposed to be for in-game items that came with the retail copy, not the full game, so they killed all the codes.

    How does one write an entire article about a magic boomerang and not mention Krull at any point? Much disappoint.

    Because the thing is already overusing its bluetooth to start with. You can have 8 active Joy-Con connected, and they connect via bluebooth. Bluetooth’s official specs say it stops at 7 and that you shouldn’t do more than 4, so they’re already overworking it and likely using a custom variant.

    The fact they’re implying it’ll be a third model instead of replacing the original Switch model. I had assumed that was their plan because I’m not sure I see a reason for both versions to be on the market.”
    Their website lists it as a third version and it’s $50 more than the base model. It’s likely because the parts

    At this point, most people have replaced their old 1080p with 4K.”

    “Standard of current TVs” and owned by most households are two different numbers. Last check, 4k was in less than 40% of American homes and even smaller numbers outside the USA.

    You weren’t paying attention then. Drift has always been a problem with the invention of the analog stick. I have a Saturn controller they designed of Nights and it drifts. There was also a lot of noise about drift occurring on PS5 controllers. It’s a thing, always has been. But with the popularity of the switch, the

    You’re confusing Copyright with Trademark. You can absolutely lose your trademark if not defended, usually when your trademark becomes the common name for something. Xerox, Tylenol, Kleenex, Bubble Wrap, Velcro, Dumpster, Linoleum, Zipper, Trampoline, Escalator, Aspirin, Band-Aid, Frisbee, Cellophane, and Laundromat.