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    Considering I used the number of active users quoted above, so I’d assume that’s the combined audience of both the PS4 and the Xbox1. Meaning the actual % on any given console is likely even smaller than the .1%. I mean, the only number we kind of have for the xb1 is around 40m. 100k out of 140m units is .07%

    They’re going to patch it out from the sounds of it.

    No, I’m inferring that .1% give a shit. Are you bad at math? I clearly said that 100k is .1% of all users. Meaning no one gives a shit about trophies anymore, statically, since .1% is considered negligible.

    Its basically what they did with all the launch Wii U ports. Make a crappy port with zero effort, act shocked the port didn’t sell, complain about it, says no one wants their games on a Nintendo platform. Only this time the Switch is on pace sales wise with the PS4 when it launched, so they can’t really bash and

    Switch doesn’t have the same install base but its selling at a near equal pace to the PS4's first two years, if not a bit faster. EA is ignoring it because they’re still made about the Wii/Wii U and all the nonsense that happened with the eShop and whatnot.
    Lots of indie games sell better on the switch than they did on

    I just did the math, if there’s 100k active people on those sites, and Playstation 4 has shipped 100m units, it means exactly 0.1% still care. So yeah, its basically nobody.

    100k+ active users on something like the playstation 4, which has shipped 100m units now, is 0.1%, which means, statistically, damn near everyone has stopped caring. His statement of “There aren’t many people who still care about achievements anymore.” is completely correct.

    All EA games, he was talking in a very general sense.

    You mean like Bethesda did with the recent re-releases of Doom, Doom 2 and Doom 3?

    Civ6 is $30 on the switch on Amazon again today.

    Not really, most of them are hotkeyed to button combos that quickly bring up what you need. It’s a little bit slower, but not enough that it ruins the experience.

    And yet the big name FPS releases tend to sell poorly on the PC compared to PC. Partly because the PC market expects a low price (or they’ll just pirate it), partly because to get a PC with a decent framerate for those games tends to cost more than the console would for the same performance, partly because there’s a

    2018 turnout
    18-29: 36%
    30-44: 48.8%
    45-64: 59.5%
    65+ : 66%

    you need to show me that you’re using that money to develop for that game.”
    Or they’re hedging their bets that while selling the game without MTX will make them a profit, said profit would not pay for the development of future games in that series. Not all the money you spend needs to go toward that game.

    Black Eagle, Golden Deer and Blue Lion. Two more houses and we can build Voltron.

    Except in these cases, it’s more than just the piece of clothing she’s wearing. It’s not only an active choice to wear said clothing, but its an active choice to choose the camera angle that aims slightly down from above, putting a greater focus on her sexuality. You rarely see the camera at face level or slightly

    It’s not a certified class action, no judge has signed off on it. Without a judge saying its a class action suit, its publicity stunt by a law firm looking for money. The law requires that a large remainder, usually most of the people in possession of said item, suffer from the problem.
    Also, it claims that Nintendo

    Normally doesn’t, but if you dropped it, to even smacked it to hard with your hand trying to get it out (especially out of one of the grips they provided), it can chip and stop clicking. Look at the back of the joy-con up near the button, if the piece that moves up and down when you press it is anything less than a

    I have a launch switch, with heavy use and I’ve never seen any drift problem. I suspect that its like the original left Joy-Con problem, only some were made by one of their vendors that’s defective.

    The drift issue happens on the majority of joy-cons that see moderate use.”
    1% of all Joy-Cons sold with the systems alone, since we don’t know how many were sold separately, is 660,000. A Majority would require 16 MILLION Joy-Con to be defective. Since we’re only now really hearing about this, I suspect it’s not