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    Or it’s someone who’s related to or lives with a current employee, who takes the key while that person is asleep and gets a copy made with none the wiser. Still doesn’t help.

    Its not, but it doesn’t have to be EVERY train, just the lines he tends to hit. And it doesn’t need to be someone cleared to drive the train, just a security guard. Heck, have him hide and pop up and catch the guy when he makes his move.

    This. The way its worded it would ban almost all microtransactions in all games. There’s not a lot of ways to look at the wording and not see it as anything but.

    Then you need to be willing to pay another $20+ over what you currently pay for a game. Production costs have risen, the average price for a game has not in almost a decade.

    They’ve keep the porn industry safe for years. Because its a crime to lie to them about your age, it falls on you instead. The kid (or parent in this case), can’t sue you, because doing so is admitting to a crime.

    Pitchford had input from the sounds of it, but in the end it came down to 2K making the call. And I can’t blame them from a money side. Steam would have taken the 30% then Epic would have taken 5% for their engine. Putting it on the Epic store gets the chunk taken down to 12% total.
    Only thing the Epic Store “needs”

    Only reason he couldn’t prove it, according to some of the deeper parts is the fact the trail ran out. Information in the hands of Russian companies/people who weren’t going to give up what they had.

    Sure, its a common mixer for everclear.

    You actually can’t use an emulator to run a ROM if you own a game, unless the emulator runs the game off the original media you purchased it off. Copyright office website is very clear about what you can use your “backup” copies for (not to mention how you have to make them).

    He’s not entirely wrong and your question has nothing to do with the other.
    The entirely of case law saying that emulators are legal (there really isn’t that much), referred to emulators that used the original media to work. Emulators that run just ROMS haven’t been tested in court yet. Most of those types of

    You are both right and wrong.
    Sony sued Connectix for making a commercial Playstation emulator that required the original disc to be in, and won, then lost and then settled out of court during the appeals. Sony then bought and killed the program they were developing before it made market. There’s some question if they

    Did you play the PS4 or the PS4 Pro version? I seem to notice my system itself slows badly when the game is running on the Pro (as in going to the dashboard of the Pro is slower than all heck.)

    There was rumors of it going up at $500 or $600, depending on how much money Sony wants to lose.

    It’s really a waste to focus on though. Microsoft admitted a while back something like 1% of all XB1 users use backwards compat on a regular basis and only 5% used it at all. That’s a lot of extra work for something most people won’t care about.

    Not to mention he doesn't seem to understand just because you own the original rom doesn't mean you can port it to any system you want. It says right on the carts "licensed for use only on the Nintendo 64 system." You want to use it on another system, VB you need permission, and that ain't going to happen.

    Try working at a used bookstore. We used to throw hundreds, if not thousands, of books into the recycle bin daily.

    Hey now, WWE won that lawsuit...in America. Brits apparently would still get confused between a .com and .org.

    It’s just HHH though, so he’ll be a heel that year and come out as Thanos.

    Not to mention a medium Well steak.

    Yeah, it was the shoulders not down bit that was questionable. But if you have a broken hand and someone lands on it with their knee, I don’t care how tough you are, it hurts like hell and you’re going to react. Ronda’s shoulder movement looks like someone reacting to pain.