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    Certainly. But one could easily say “Best selling console of the last year” and be utterly true. Combine that with almost every dev and publisher saying “if the sales of the console are there, we’ll bring our stuff to it”, and their argument falls a bit more apart. If they’d at least brought XX to the states, I

    Pretty numbers, now go pull up ONLY the first year sales and compare them to the Switch, which still has 2 weeks until its been a full year and another couple of months before the final report.
    I’ll help you though, there’s only 1 system that’s currently outsold the Switch in first year sales. The Wii, at 20m. The PS4

    He says, like people aren’t always whining for Nintendo to stop making systems and just make games for the Playstation/Xbox systems. Or the constant whine that led Platinum games to release a detailed explanation on how come Bayonetta 2 and 3 aren’t coming to the Ps4/XB1. It happens all the time, will all the

    How many times have you asked for ID before engaging in sexual activities with someone?

    Fair about the Gamecube, but they both lost to the weaker PS2. There hasn’t been a Gen since all 3 were in the game were the strongest console won.

    One, the tweets suggest the guy was from Poland, so who knows exactly what laws apply.
    Two, a most of states in the USA are “at will” states, meaning you can be fired at any time, without any reason (the only state that isn’t “at-will” is Montana). There’s some with a few restrictions, but by and large, you can get

    Two of which have been massive hits. Nintendo isn’t going to to play the “biggest, better, faster, more” game, they can’t win that (See the gamecube, the most powerful system of its gen, losing to everything.) They realize that want and expect different from them, and that’s what they bring. A lot of what the other

    Some states have laws that spell out exactly what a teacher will be paid, period.

    You left off voting against the Brady Bill, the very bill that requires background checks to get a gun, despite forcing the change from a 10 day waiting period to a 3 day one. And why did he vote against it? He used the age old Republican battlecry of “states rights”.
    He’s had 7 bills he’s proposed in his entire career

    He threw in a grand total of zero in the end. All money he gave his own campaign was a loan and the campaign was required to pay him back, which last I checked, it did.

    Knack: 69, Killzone Shadowfall: 71, The Order: 63.
    The Order is a tech demo pretending to be a a game. It takes a couple of hours to beat. If you removed all the actual game play, you’d lose like an hour of playtime, max.
    Killzone has long been a middling FPS. There are much better choices out there. Killzone

    That describes like 90% of the PS+ games over the last few years.

    A. They want you to buy Knack 2.

    Maybe not. Couple of the women have various martal art backgrounds. Lesnar is on record saying that wrestling is way harder than it looks and is great training for MMA, it’s not a couple of minutes and you’re done, you take a beating for 10-15 minutes almost every night and it makes you a lot tougher. So she’d

    Go watch the Mae Young Classic then, she’s all over it.

    I thought both tag matches were fairly weak. The triple threat..man those have to be the three weakest looking F5s EVER thrown by Lesnar. But that knee and that punch...Damn, just damn.

    Shoutout from Steph during the rumble, shoutout from Triple H during the Raw 25 show. I won’t be surprised if she gets HoF this year.

    Cross, as great as she is, is still tied to Sanity. They aren’t going to have her appear on the main card unless Sanity is coming with her. Had the men of Sanity appeared in the Men’s rumble, they I would have expected Cross to come up as well.

    Triple H and Steph have both said her name in the last week on TV. This actually might be her year, finally.

    If you REALLY wanted to, you could transfer the sidesick to a 3DS or Wii U then transfer them onto an amiibo, then use the amiibo to transfer them to the switch.